FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 184

Where has the market gone?

Burn! Beautiful! :-)))
What's going on who knows?
What's going on who knows?

Maybe it's bullshit, but I noticed that after 22 Moscow time, the direction changes. even by 30-50 pips, but you can make money.
What's going on who knows?
Bloomberg says Obama backed senators deficit reduction plan. Maybe that jolted the market. With the idea that now they'll agree on the national debt. There seems to be some controversy between Obama and the Republicans about not increasing the debt without saving. It must be a sign that they will. It's just a thought. If I'm wrong about the controversy Margaret will correct me.
Obama: I want to raise the national debt limit and tackle the deficit in the long term - The Republican plan is unlikely to win approval from both houses of Parliament. - I am ready to sign the austerity and tax increases bill. - Hopefully in the next couple of days we can choose the direction in which to move forward.
Bloomberg says Obama backed senators' deficit reduction plan. Maybe that jolted the market. With the thought that they will now agree on the national debt. There seems to be some controversy between Obama and the Republicans about not increasing the debt without saving. It must be a sign that they will. It's just a thought. If I'm wrong about the controversy Margaret will correct me.

Well, it's more or less plausible...

Well that's more or less plausible...
Has gold been shut down?


The staff at the clubs (casinos) are babbling inaudibly...
Margaret, did you hear how sugar is being jerked around, like there's a crop failure in Brazil. Last year they bought up all the cocoa beans: a couple or three billion and you are a monopolist, and the sugar market is bigger, of course. I think people rushed into commodity markets: they were afraid of inflation...
Margaret, did you hear how sugar is being jerked around, like Brazil is having a bad harvest. Last year they bought up all the cocoa beans: a couple or three billion and you are a monopolist, and the sugar market is bigger, of course. I think people rushed into commodity markets: they were afraid of inflation...

If you don't make moonshine... it is not so important for the budget (family) (all the money is spent on meat...)