FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 189

Can anyone give a prediction on the pound? Where will it go?
The near term with the eve will go up....

It's been going down for a day now)))) The nearest target is 1.6046 ))))) Then it will bounce ))))

Thank you. The main thing is to have it bounce back. )))
I'm sensing something's brewing. It's about to burst.
On the pound can anyone give a prediction? Where will it go?

Forecast from Alpari :-)

Thank you all for the information on the pound.

Get ready, there could be a big boom in the eu tomorrow or the day after)

PS: Further collapse likely...

yep.... today crawl to 1.43 and rally from there to 1.36

Get ready, tomorrow there will be a big boom in the eu)

PS: Further collapse likely...

As usual )))) The news follows the price ))))
bought by a hundred points
And I will start selling from 1.42435 ))))