FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 207


why did you install it first?
In case of war...there are outbursts you can't reinstall in time...
in case of war...there are surges you can't reinstall in time...

if you set it, you have to wait :)) (director calls - one is missing :))

Eurozone country ratings

Country S&P Fitch Moody's

Portugal BBB-(negligible) BBB- (RWN) Ba2 (negligible)
Ireland BBB+(stable) BBB+ (negligible) Ba1 (negligible) Aa2 (revised) Greece CCC(negligible) CCC (---)) Ba1 (nong)
Italy A+ (nong) AA- (stab) Aa2 (revised)
Greece CCC (nong) CCC (---) Caa1 (nong)
Spain AA (nong) AA+ (nong) Aa2 (nong))
Austria AAA(sta.) AAA(sta.) Aaa(sta.)
Belgium AA+(neg.) AA+(neg.) Aa1(sta.)
Finland AAA(sta.) AAA(sta.) Aaa(sta.)
Germany AAA(sta.) Aaa(sta.)
France AAA(sta.) Aaa(sta.)
Netherlands AAA(sta.) Aaa(sta.)


EU summit results

- Extension of maturity of loans from the Stabilisation Fund from 7.5 years to 15 years
- Interest rates on new loans for Greece reduced to 3.5%
- EFSF will be allowed to intervene as a precautionary measure
- ESFS will be able to buy bonds on the secondary market
- Calling for a "Marshall Plan" on investments, boosting Greek economic growth

3 options regarding the role of private investors in the bailout for Greece Debt repayment
2. Debt extension
3. Reinvestment of debt

Nothing has been said about "selective default".


Then what do you do? Just play tank world or what?

It is a known fact that during such emotional price movements most TS stop working. You need an impressive willpower not to enter the market at that moment, but after that your deposit will be grateful to you).

Nothing has been said about a "selective default"

It doesn't help ))))
Quiet, beast...
Jew belongs under the skirting board. so does the dollar ))))


Where's the action?

Benny must have gone out and kept quiet. It's about to burst somewhere. All the major pairs are coming up. Bets, gentlemen?

They'll solve his riddle and fall asleep ))))