FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 214


I have a German Alpari. If that can somehow explain what happened. And the Swiss ACM has the shadow down to 0.80770. Those brokers. I don't know what to do with stops after that.

Alpari is like Alpari )))

seolink74: like this

These are not thoughts. Try commenting on naked pictures. Not everyone knows your system.

It's as simple as that. Euro/dollar in a wide channel. At the top we put SellLimit, at the bottom we put BuyLimit without stops (cowards invented the brakes). Good luck to all!!!

We can go lower at any time, we will go maximum to 1.4305 and then, as I told you yesterday, the limit is between 1.36-1.37... presumably 1.3660.... and from there the express will go up

Gods have burned the pots, aces make mistakes too))))

i look at the bx index and i have a feeling that the next 2-3 weeks will put everything in its place. Either the bx will go back a bit and the eu will go down from 1.45 or the index will be stuck in a descending channel and the eu will rise from these levels....

There's just one more small movement up and then down.
My view is not the situation. The euro rises until the rating agencies default on Greece. With the new plan extending the debt maturity (albeit via a tricky initial buy-back clause) everything goes according to the scenario that the rating agencies have promised to treat as a default. And once it comes to debt exchanges we will have a selective Greek default with consequences for the euro.
so hurry up))))
* Assumed on bubbles, more precisely on the Greek aid package EUR/USD will reach 1.500 - SocGen (optimism - Greece is saved!)

the gods have not fired the pots, the aces have made mistakes too))))

That look was last week, 12.07.11, for a particular week, not for life.