Searching for market patterns - page 20

it is difficult to put into words what you think ... For example, an injection in the Euro begins (for example) - how do you see it happening ... I think nearly all pairs of which the Euro is a part will reflect this movement to some extent, the beginning and the end of the movement may differ from one pair to another ... but in the end it will be a general move (when all the pairs are saturated) and each pair will finish this move at their own time (it may happen differently - we should try to catch the beginning of a general move, and the first pair that finishes it (and the others will continue for a while) may say that the move has begun to end .... that's the abstract way I see it

By analysing ticky-pookey, will market patterns (sabj) be found, or does it mean that patterns(?) of ticky-pookey will be found?

;)))) are "market patterns" and "tick-pook patterns" identical?

that's the point - it's important to process ticks correctly - not to turn the analysis of price action into a filter pattern analysis. and sampling rate isn't the least bit helpful here ..... maybe i'm wrong about something ..... need to do some more calculations.
There's a lot of people here who are so smart ... wow ... from DSP specialists to ...doctors, etc. .... I'm as far away from them as China.... maybe my thinking will help them get to the bottom of this .... it's a Herculean effort for me.
here, cause and effect have sort of been reversed...
which price do you think will get the most attention with a frozen fix or a floating tick?
if the fixing after the close is taken as the initial value for the official calculations

a fix is a fix, but not the other way around.

in fact, a fixing (of gold, for example, twice a day) -- is a candlestick. -- as well as daily, hourly...


The chain here is "price -> fixing -> officiating". And if the fixing is the cause for the officiating as a consequence, the price is the root cause.

Well, somewhere like that, if not to dig deeper in search of the cause of price movements itself ;))

if you process the ticks correctly in the multicurrency ...

Valera... Sweetheart... I haven't seen such high quality abacus since the death of Arkady Raikin!
Good luck to you, my dear man, patience and go to sleep at last.... Give your brain a rest - it's tired and you can see it with the naked eye!


Valera... my darling... I haven't seen such quality abacus since the death of Arkady Raikin!
Good luck to you, dear man, patience and go and finally get some sleep.... Give your brain a rest - it's tired and you can see it with the naked eye!

)))) forgot to add the letter e at the end. Russians don't give up))

No, I forgot that in the word multi-currency
It seems to me that there is a constant floating imbalance between the current price and the fair price, and the true exchange rate always tends to return to the fair price in case of a deviation from the fair price.

This is probably the most valuable idea in this thread. All that remains is to figure out what the fair price is and how to see it.

Probably the most valuable thought in the whole thread. All that remains is to figure out what a fair price is and how to see it.
Thank you for your kind words) Where the hell am I supposed to go .... I'm just trying to figure it out on my own.