Searching for market patterns - page 25

If you want to get the results shown on the picture, i.e. is it possible to obtain the same results using only one-minute Bids and not tick volumes and Ask values ? Do i need to additionally analyze 2m,4m,6m...64m bars or is it enough to increase a period with few values of one-minute bars only.

1. Yes, you can. And it's not even clear to me how accounting for asks or tick volumes would improve the result.

2. There is virtually no difference. Changing the chart period with close prices does nothing but change the sampling rate.

The picture obviously shows some nice digital filters, they are easy to get. Changing their parameters and getting curves of any kind is also easy. But figuring out what properties they should have for successful trading is a bit more complicated.

If only that were the case. Set it up for fair play to begin with and show it to everyone. It's not a question of where to trade.

If only...!

That's the mystery - do you think so or are you faking it?

If you think so, well, I respect the insanity. That's fine.

If you're faking it, I support it. You know, we need to support each other so we don't disappear into singles.


If only...!
Well then, set your traps...)

1. Yes, you can. And it's not even clear to me how accounting for asks or tick volumes would improve the result.

2. There is virtually no difference. Changing the chart period with close prices does nothing but change the sampling rate.

The picture obviously shows some nice digital filters, they are easy to get. Changing their parameters and getting curves of any kind is also easy. But to understand what properties they should have for successful trading is a bit more difficult.

The author said that these are adaptive filters, calculation of coefficients is generated with each discrete sample .... I can give you a link there he gave a program with which he made these filters and with the same program he made the filters to become adaptive - they generated coefficients themselves (program - a generator of digital filters ). Read his posts, maybe you will find something useful for yourself.
Well then, set your traps...)

Going hunting, not chopping wood!

Yesterday on Euro/Dollar for Sall swap = lot*-4, today already = lot*-10.


So you have to treat the market like a wild animal, know its habits, study its tracks, set ambushes, set traps, bait and shoot!

No, it is enough to realise that it is aware of your existence, your ambitions and its goals are not always the same as yours :)

That's the mystery - do you think so or are you faking it?

If you think so, well, I respect the insanity. That's fine.

If you're faking it, I support it. You know, we need to support each other so we don't disappear into singles.

Thinking in the evening, pretending in the morning. Accordingly: Respect in the evening, support in the morning. Not a single one :)

If it's addressed to me...


No, it is enough to realise that he is aware of your existence, your ambitions and his goals are not always the same as yours :)

Why not? Exactly, as a hunter with a beast, our goals do not coincide. We feed it, but it doesn't work out with the prey.

Why not? Exactly, as a hunter with a beast, our goals do not coincide. We feed it, but it doesn't work out with the prey.

If your goals do not coincide, break up and forget about each other.