The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 246


This doesn't just apply to my system. It is a general definition of efficiency which characterizes the performance of any system.

In a nutshell: The amount of useful work produced in a certain period of time.

The cache produced and output is the useful work done. Failure to take into account this useful work will result in a loss of important information about the efficiency of the system.

A dude goes to a casino and bets a quid a quid not red and raises a buck a profit and "takes it out". What does his useful work equal?)
Yes, yes. That's what the universe wants !!! ;)))

A dude goes to a casino and bets a thousand quid not red and raises a thousand quid in profit and "takes it out". What does his useful work amount to?)

It's pretty simple. --- The result divided by the cost.

It's quite simple. --- The result attributable to costs.

he didn't spend anything) If it's about investment, then 1/1? Does that somehow characterise the game of roulette or that dude?
Yes, yes. That's what the universe wants !!! ;)))
Great. ;)))

he didn't spend anything) If you mean investment, then 1/1? Does that somehow characterise the game of roulette or that dude?

Probably. But I'm no roulette expert.

And I know for a fact that the market is NOT roulette.


It could be. But I'm not a roulette expert.

I just don't understand what efficiency indicator you are using and what's the point of it.

Another dude bought a lottery ticket and won a thousand quid. He had a ratio of 10^6. Does that tell you anything?


And I know for a fact that the market is NOT roulette.

What's the fundamental difference? Obviously, roulette is a table and a ball, but the market doesn't have them. Is it principled in terms of the model?


The subject of roulette is of absolutely no interest to me. Neither is the subject of the lottery.

Neither do those topics dance around here.

Of course, if a person randomly presses buy or sell, then for him, in general, the market is no different from the roulette or the lottery.

But I am not at all interested in proving anything to such a person. You want to believe that the market is tantamount to roulette, well, that's your right.


The subject of roulette is of absolutely no interest to me. Neither is the subject of the lottery.

Neither do those topics dance around here.

Of course, if a person randomly presses buy or sell, then for him, in general, the market is no different from the roulette or the lottery.

But I am not at all interested in proving anything to such a person. You want to believe that the market is tantamount to roulette, well, that's your right.

What does faith have to do with it? I do not understand the randomness thing either)) If a person plays roulette not at random, but according to a system, then it is no longer random?

I don't understand your measure of efficiency as applied to the market:

The amount of useful work produced in a certain period of time.

And the cache generated and withdrawn is the useful work produced. Failure to account for this produced useful work results in the loss of important information about the efficiency of the system.

What is its essence and why is it necessary to withdraw it? You can simply not use them in trading (reduce the lot, for example).


Summer, heat, beer, betting on Avals.

Whereas in roulette the peeps manage to find a pattern to win, in markets there are many times more opportunities.

Maybe we should simplify the approach to making a profit? The price analysis chart hasn't changed dramatically in hundreds of years. It's a chart. Prices change, but the chart will always remain with its characteristics. The ability to successfully trade the markets is inherent in understanding the market and discipline. Testing systems is necessary so that time is not wasted at every step.