The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 252

The balance sheet reinforces confidence and helps you drain your deposit faster.

I don't think that would be right.
I was trying to make the same point above. the balance is far from being money, provided that the order is working in more than one order.

I heard you guys a long time ago, and I understand your position perfectly. But I have my own point of view which differs from yours. Your point of view does not convinceme to change my point of view.

Somewhere like this ;)


I heard you guys a long time ago, and I understand your position perfectly. But I have my own point of view which differs from yours. Your point of view does not convinceme to change my point of view.

Somewhere like this ;)

Everyone has known that for a long time now. What about a chat? There may be some seeds, after all. It is always a good idea to keep someone else's point of view in mind; you can sometimes put it to good use.
The balance is far from being money, as long as there is more than one order running.

I am also in favour of keeping all the attention on equity. The balance can easily be inflated like a balloon, but it always bursts and equities will be equal to equity in case the position is closed involuntarily or involuntarily. And if equity is close to zero((((

Also for keeping all attention on equity. The balance can easily be inflated like a balloon, but it always bursts and if forced or unforced to close the position it will equal equity. And if the equity is close to zero(((.
i agree. the increase in balance is the first thing that is impressive at a certain stage, but it's temporary. it's much harder to get equity in the "+"-se...

What's it got to do with impressions... It's not about that, it's about simple considerations. What is "Equity"?

"Equity" = "Balance" + "Profit"

and "Profit" can be either positive or negative.

Fixed "Balance" is the last fixed point in time around which variations in "Profit" revolve. The control is carried out by the index "Profit" in relation to the fixed index "Balance".

It's simple :)

Now consider whether "Equity" is informative enough if there are several open orders for different instruments, and among them there are both "+" and "-", both rising and falling. In this case "Equity" gives the average temperature. In the case of "Profit", all orders are easily sifted out.
Now, think about whether "Equity" is informative enough if there are several open orders for different instruments and among them there are both "+" and "-", both rising and falling ones. In this case "Equity" gives the average temperature. But for "Profit" all orders are easily sifted out.

In principle, it may be cool to look at each thing with your own "underfoot special" view. The main thing is to have a stable profit. ;)

P.S. The universe knows what it needs and how. )))

Now consider whether "Equity" is informative enough if there are several open orders for different instruments, and among them there are both "+" and "-", both rising and falling. In this case "Equity" gives the average temperature. As for "Profit", all orders are easily sifted out.

What difference does it make whether the position is in the plus or minus position? The balance is not an indicator at all. It is only equity. The balance is only showing if and when it is equal to equity. It is very easy to prove: you cannot withdraw the balance from the account if the equity is equal to zero.

How can you not understand such simple things?