The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 243

The key word was stochastic.

Nonsense. It is a property of the system. But not the key to understanding how the system works.

For you, this is a reason for refusing to understand. Is that really his key role? ;))

A more realistic view would be when the growth rate decreases as the value of the deposit increases, i.e. there is an inversely proportional relationship between growth andthe growth rate. With reaching a certain steady-state mode.

Approximately this should be the nature of the movement :

A more realistic view would be when the growth rate decreases as the value of the deposit increases, i.e. there is an inverse relationship between growth andthe growth rate. In other words, there is an inversely proportional relationship between the_growth_index and the_growth_index.
Of course, it is not realistic to make forecasts by one trade. I will watch quietly)).
Of course, it is not realistic to make predictions on the basis of one deal, but I wish you success and show the same results in the future. I will watch quietly)).

No way... This is not a forecast. It's a desired pattern of movement. And that is NOT the same thing.

Isn't it clear, for God's sake....

But an evidence-based forecast can be organised as you go along.
But a forecast based on factual data can be organised as you go along.

What do you mean by factual data?

What do we mean by actual data?

Well, for example, like this :

Result(j) = Balance(j) + Sum(Cash,0,j);

Balance is a recorded history. It is a fact.

But it is possible to record virtual equity at a certain point (at night in a quiet market).

Then it goes like this :

Result(j) = Equity(j) + Sum(Cash,0,j);


You can't predict profits ) only losses, it's one of the sacred cows


You can't predict profits ) only losses, it's one of the sacred cows

Well, pray to that loss cow ;))))


The movement is predicted. And what it will be is what the actual data will tell you.


You can't predict profits ) only losses, that's one of the sacred cows

I think the losses should be controlled and the profits can only be predicted until the system encounters a situation with which it is unfamiliar. I think to keep an eye on it and as soon as the moment comes, call for help to a trader or programmer who should bump the situation to the profit and take this moment into account for the future. ))



The movement is predicted. And the actual data will determine what it will be.

You could just make do with the actual data of the current position. Although it's the same thing. )