The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 245


And like this:

You can go like this, or like this, or like this.

I prefer to keep it simple, so it's clear and understandable ;)


You can do it this way, or that way, or that way.

I prefer to keep it simple, to be clear and understandable ;)

Well, it's random. Just four or less hundred thousand, little facts. That's not interesting. ;)
Well that's a fluke. Just four or less a hundred thousand, little facts. That's not interesting. ;)

On the contrary, that's exactly what's interesting. But I'm certainly not interested in racing a tester at all.

On the contrary, that's exactly what I'm interested in. But I am certainly not interested in racing a tester at all.
It is not interesting to send a man into space at random. Although someone may find it interesting. )) And after proper tests with Squirrel and Arrow it is much more interesting. ;)
It is not interesting to send a man into space at random. Somebody might be interested, though. )) And after proper tests with Squirrel and Arrow it's many times more interesting. ;)

Well, why "at random"... Not at all ;))

Why "at random"... Not at all ;))
Then let's show the results of the tests already. Stop beating around the bush already. ))) Or you don't know how? I see. ;)
Then let's show the test results already. Stop beating around the bush already. ))) Or you don't know how? I see. ;)

I don't use a tester at all. And, mind you, it's not because I don't know how ;)))

I don't use a tester at all. And, mind you, it's not because I don't know how;)))

Then prove it. And if you don't, you obviously don't know how. )) I suggest that you do a test in the MetaTrader 5 tester. I do not like the fourth one myself. ;))

I can even help you, if you want, of course. Otherwise, it may take a long time. )))


Then prove it. And if you don't, you obviously don't know how. )) I suggest that you do a test in the MetaTrader 5 tester. I do not like the fourth one myself. ;))

I can even help you, if you want, of course. Otherwise, it may take a long time. )))

Why...? There's no need for a tester. It's unnecessary. There is monitoring. And that's quite enough.

Why? There's no need for a tester. It's unnecessary. There's monitoring. And that's quite enough.

Not redundant. It would help to account for something that is quite possible, though I'm even sure it hasn't been accounted for yet. ;)

Monitoring is too long for a test. Imagine how many people would die if they were shot into space so thoughtlessly. )))

Anyway, I won't insist/consult. Everyone makes their own choices. Maybe the Universe wants you to go this way on your own and drink the whole cup to the bottom. ;)