The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 176

No need to be offended - I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm just talking about ordering and structuring information to build a clear picture. The importance of such structuring. Without it, the picture will be unclear, confusing, incoherent.

on one vertical straight line ;))
Well so I didn't mean on the same symbol he's trading).

... But in relation to the price and in the shortest possible time

this 'shortest possible time' has a beginning and an end, conventionally called 'Today' and 'Tomorrow' by me. I may give it any name. But the essence is the same: the direction of time is unambiguous. It cannot be turned back. And you cannot stop it. And you can't throw it away. No matter what "equalities" or "equal volumes" are considered, time is always present. Even if implicitly in such a representation, time is always present. The very notion and definition of such "equalities" or "equal-volumes" implies the presence of some interval of measurement -- the beginning of measurement and the end of measurement -- given by the direction of time.
Well, I didn't mean he's trading on the same symbol).


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the shortest possible time" has a beginning and an end,

that's right...time is and always will be...whatever mind games we play...
if we imagine that 3 prices (kr,sin,green) = 3 beads put on a spoke for example (spoke on a stand...its diameter is larger than the diameter of the beads)
and drop this stand from yourself (observer)...then the observer will only see the stand...the movement of the beads is hidden from him...
if this construction is in fog (market) and cooled (bot) then condensation will start to accumulate on the beads...
The higher the oscillation frequency of a particular bead on the spoke, the more often it will drop drops (moose, profit) and the bigger the puddle will be under it... so no matter how you hide (conversions, etc), time will not go anywhere...

No problem. Time is by no means the only and by no means the best way to quantise it.

If it is so without problems, can you demonstrate these "far from unique" ways of quantisation in application to dynamics of process, such that in them time is absent at all. That is, so that time is present neither explicitly, nor implicitly. And we are interested exactly in the process.

I argue that there are no such ways.

No problem. Time is by no means the only and by no means the best way to quantise it.

I agree, the state of the stomach depends on time, but more on the state of the wallet! One must apparently find such a "wallet", i.e. the main factor, in our case as well. We are used to time, it is not easy to find a replacement for it. I propose to think in the direction of assessing the "strength" of the market, how it can be determined and evaluated. Can volumes help to assess the strength of the market? The challenge is to find a worthy substitute for time. The market is similar to a fight between two wrestlers. The "time" factor is eliminated through its limitation. What matters is the result in the form of a knockout (spatula) or points scored in a limited time.

What do you agree with, Yusuf? Do you really agree that time can be thrown away? I didn't expect you to say that.

Time determines both the state of the stomach and the state of the wallet. As soon as the stomach gets full, the wallet gets thin.

Time is fundamental. It is present everywhere and at all times, in all processes -- physical, biological, economic, etc.


What do you agree with, Yusuf? Do you really agree that time can be thrown away? I didn't expect you to say that.

Time determines both the state of one's stomach and one's wallet. As soon as the stomach gets full, the wallet gets thin.

Time is fundamental. It is present everywhere and at all times, in all processes -- physical, biological, economic, etc.

I am not ruling out the influence of time but, like most people, I am assuming that time is not the main factor in the market. I understand that without time there is no process, as Newton argued, but any process is set in motion by an external force, without the awareness and estimation of which time is insignificant! And Newton's laws are based on an understanding of this fact. Force and time are at the core of all natural processes. And we are fixated on time, forgetting about force. Oleg, I am not insisting, only suggesting to think in this direction. My article also begins by considering the effect of an unknown external force on price over time. Then determining the value of that force by analysis and calculation.