[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 459


I was blown away ! ) but the bulls got pinched before that and cleared the way to buy - half of the previous trend - the puppeteer!


Before that, they made 2 - 3 decoys like buy the trend ! and ditched it - they got everyone in the hole and then they fired - a bank party - so they knew about it a month in advance ? ?

The show - all played up so badly that I want to stand up and applaud ! Bravo ! Before they do the Pit - always ! In short, nothing new - too bad that only 1 order worked instead of 4 - I did not want to take the risk !

PS It was all pairs to CHF this sect fulfilled its plan - for this month in the Pit the hangout was good -

The dollar doesn't seem to be stopping today, everyone is stocking up for a rainy day)

The perfect time to drain the hamsters is


The perfect time to drain the hamsters is

Michael, this barkidite consumer is like a speedometer with a 30 minute lag, in a car, by the time it shows you've moved, it's time to drive in the opposite direction.
Michael, this barkidate consumer is like a speedometer with a 30 minute lag, in a car, until it shows it's moving, it's time to drive in the opposite direction.

That's why I don't like it when cycles are too fast - without a moment of balance ) the very fact - that the price has stood at a level - a numerical order that was known before all the exchanges in the world but not about it

Also EUR/USD - you can start a martingale chart - right now - but I'll wait a bit more ))

While the price is sticking to the mathematical matrix - you can eat popcorn )


That's why I don't like it when cycles are too rushed - without a moment of balance )

amazing, and what, does it work? (I have VERY high respect for you and all who take non-standard approaches, it was Gan who inspired this, wasn't it?)

is that what was showing at the time or now? the charts from the past are getting amazing... I was building them myself and rejoiced, when connected to reality I thought and implemented them differently.

oh! so it's June 21st... i don't have enough stomach contents for such a prospect... my adviser accidentally picked up yesterday's throw down and it's nice, but money is made to be spent....


And also euro dollar - you can start putting a martingale bundle - right now - but I'll wait some more ))

While the price is sticking to the mathematical matrix - you can eat popcorn )

Show the square on the Eurobucks, how did you determine the price levels?

It's just a little bit different, I used this.

And it came out like this, but it doesn't look like yours.


amazing, and what, does it work? (I have VERY high regard for you and all who take non-standard approaches, it was Gan's idea, wasn't it?)

is that what was showing at the time or now? the charts from the past are amazing... I was building them myself and rejoiced, when connected to reality I thought and implemented them differently.

oh! so it's June 21st... i don't have enough stomach contents for such a prospect... my adviser accidentally picked up yesterday's throw down and it's nice, but money is made to be spent....

Magic is magic - only a few should know it.)


"surprisingly, ... not exactly standard approaches, ... at the time or now?

... I was building them myself and rejoiced, when plugged into reality I wondered...
ouch! ... I don't have enough stomach contents for such a prospect ....

... accidentally picked up yesterday's outburst ...and it feels good, ...."

Definitely overeating math popcorn )))