Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 8


Wizard, in the ghana and the angles are rubbish - the important fact here is that he used square 9 which is his secret and he never told anyone before his death except journalists - that's the point

the fact that he made $300,000 - $30,000 - he also bought a yacht and had his first aeroplane - in the U.S.A.

I read somewhere in a book that his broker had a blocked account due to his death where he had a million dollars to trade.

He wasn't very friendly with his son because he wanted it all for free - his father said do it yourself -

Although if it didn't work we wouldn't be bringing up these topics - myths about him being a loser - starting with elders etc - they won't go down in history as Ghana went down

Let them show how they can make 30 thousand dollars in a month with 300 quid - and he says anyone can.


Basically the first - simple instruction - on square 9 - price time - how to find the cycle

The program can be downloaded here - for free on the author's website -

Take the peak or bottom of the price - I take AUD USD and peak on the 11th of the 5th month - in the ganzilla I write the beginning of the 10th day data type time - date

For those who do not understand - the colour indicates either a low price or a high price on the date - the information is very difficult to grasp so prepare to learn this by hand for at least 1 month

On the basis of this data you will understand where the market cycle is, where the peak - bottom - and so on - this material is designed for further self-study

Here's the result.

Remember the cycle line is where the number nine is the bottom left corner - there is a degree 0 - a full cycle is when the price passes 360 degrees

According to my observations between the cycles there are also peaks and troughs - and usually 2 days - and the square 9 confirms this - the forecast was made on the 11th day and the points you know in 3 weeks - and

And the end of the first cycle on the 19th is the peak - and the end of the cycle goes on to the low point - but now pay attention this cycle is designed for the high points now do for the low

The high points p

Example of low points I took the bottom of the AUD USD on the 05.05 numbers - and put the low points at 0 degrees and the interval is 2 days high and low example below!

Now when you have 2 forecasts and they are the same you have an accurate prediction - this is my methodology which I made from my own experience - but the creator is Gunn

Now you can create complex schemes based on simple ones - examples ---

You can also make calculations for price, time - hour - day - week - minutes

Also there are price support and resistance levels - this is bottom to peak -

And this is from peak to bottom -

Here are many more examples


Another example of why this prediction method works very well -

You have chaos prices in front of you -

BUT with the right timing - chaos goes to order - supreme


You can also do a calculation for price, time - hour, day - week - minutes

Not bad! But if you do not mind justifying, for example, the movement of the EUR on the last Friday, i.e. 27.05.2011 on the minutes.



Intraday is a one hour cycle -

Euro dollar on the 27th beginning 3am - high 7am forecast made at 7am - for the whole day to see the liquidity of the pair


Wizard, in the ghana and the angles are rubbish - the important fact here is that he used square 9 which is his secret and he never told anyone before his death except journalists - that's the point

the fact that he made $300,000 out of $300,000 is a fact - he also bought a yacht and had his first plane - in the U.S.A.

I read somewhere in a book that his broker had a blocked account due to his death where he had a million dollars to trade.

He wasn't very friendly with his son because he wanted it all for free - his father said do it yourself -

Although if it didn't work we wouldn't be bringing up these topics - myths about him being a loser - starting with elders etc - they won't go down in history as Ghana went down

Let them show how they can make 30 thousand dollars in a month with 300 quid - and he says anyone can do it.

You're the only one who knows about Gunn's yacht and plane. You're idealizing Gunn too much. Besides Gunn with $300, Jesse Livermore could have done more, and the fact is he did, and it's documented, not just by the brokerage, but by all the newspapers of his time... Jesse made $100 million in 1929, what did Gunn do? Make a couple of predictions about the market going down hard? I see those predictions every day at the Telepath Club... Some of his techniques work, but who made money out of them? Of his contemporaries, Denis Richards made $200 million out of $600 million, and then assembled a class of "Cheetahs" and conducted an experiment that you can teach a person to trade in the market. They were not like Denis, but they still made money year after year... Marty Schwratz is also a good example...why go far? Stevie Cohen makes 1 billion a year... I spoke to Larry Williams ( as I was taking his online course) and asked about Gunn, Larry said he knew his son and that Gunn had no capital. Driving half an hour to Stamford, Connecticut you can see for yourself what kind of fruit the market brought to Stevie Cohen ... if you go any closer, from $300 to make $30,000 is not such a big deal ... Prismal went from $10,000 to $159,000 at the championship in 2008. Livermore's houses, yachts and other toys is a fact that has been published by more than one newspaper and numerous photos (, where is Gunn? It's not necessary to set up Gann as an idol. 20 pips per day is not very convincing, Pips market participants make more, what was publicly proved at the MQL4 Championship in 2008 by participants taken the 2-nd and 3-rd places.

You're too idealistic about Gunn... Besides Gunn with $300 Jesse Livermore could have made more, and the fact is he did and it's documented and not just by the brokerage but by all the newspapers of his time... Jesse made $100 million in 1929, what did Gunn do? Make a couple of predictions about the market going down hard? I see those predictions every day at the Telepath Club... Some of his techniques work, but who made money out of them? Of his contemporaries, Denis Richards made $200 million out of $600 million, and then assembled a class of "Cheetahs" and conducted an experiment that you can teach a person to trade in the market. They were not like Denis, but they still made money year after year... Marty Schwratz is also a good example...why go far? Stevie Cohen makes 1 billion a year... I spoke to Larry Williams ( as I took his online course) and asked about Gunn, Larry said he knew his son and that Gunn had no capital. Driving half an hour to Stamford, Connecticut you can see for yourself what kind of fruit the market brought to Stevie Cohen ... if you go any closer, from $300 to make $30,000 is not such a big deal ... Prismal went from $10,000 to $159,000 at the championship in 2008. Livermore's houses, yachts and other toys is a fact that has been published by more than one newspaper and numerous photos (, where is Gunn? It's not necessary to set up Gann as an idol. 20 pips per day is not very convincing, Pips market participants make more, what was publicly proved at the MQL4 Championship in 2008 by participants taken the 2-nd and 3-rd places.

Gunn was a believer - he said he didn't need a nice life, fame or popularity - the point is he made so much money he couldn't spend it on himself - Gunn is the first character who worked for knowledge - rather than money and greed like Livermore - he lost and killed himself for greed by writing one book)

Larry didn't study these techniques which are here - he didn't sell them - he sold advice and books like gan's corners - he didn't say anything about the square.

I did an hourly cycle open you euro dollar pair 15 minutes on the 27th and see what's up -

Ghana made popularity, on predictions for the year - and knew exactly what the market events would be and what would happen

Gunn was a Mason - in New York's finest lodge - where only the bigwigs sat -

As one Freemason said - real knowledge, has no popularity - it is designed to control anything or anyone on a very large scale - so I think Larry, and everyone else is just a pawn in the world of big money - there are people who built empires through market speculation - then why did the 3rd Reich form and they got so much dough after the 2931?


I did an hourly cycle open you euro-dollar pair 15 minutes on the 27th and see what's up

If you do not mind, complement your calculations for the 27th of the euro with screenshots of the terminal, it is difficult to catch your train of thought and still do not understand my methodology for calculating the time

I support Mixon777 - Gunn is a wave researcher - he has built a complete theory - albeit not completely and not understood by everyone - but his writings are a serious contribution to technical analysis.

All those you listed - what contribution have they made other than proven earnings? Their single books are nothing more than a reflection on a topic and a statement of something.

if you do not mind, supplement your calculations on the 27th day with screenshots of the terminal, it is difficult to catch your train of thought and yet unclear to me the methodology of calculation of the time

What's the big deal - open your terminal - 15 minutes - the 27th - 3am countdown time = green high price - red low

Take into account the daily cycle that the 27th is high and the trend is up - red cells are the best time to buy against the trend -