Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 5


Can you throw this one in again ?

W.D. Gunn - The Tunnel Through the Air.pdf (1.2 MB)

W.D. Gunn - The Truth about the Stock Exchange Tape.pdf (762.8 KB)

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sergeev 25.05.2011 12:30

Can you drop this again ?

Fixed the first post.


Can you throw this in again?

I tweaked the first post.



Well there are cycles weekly, annual - daily - hourly, and minute - here for example the daily - the forecast is for AUD USD but it fits for EUR USD as well

And for those who don't understand these dates - and supposedly their points - high and low - or high or low - to put it simply

So this thing was done on the 11.05 - counting half a month ago - so what do we see? On the 19th is high - so sell and keep the position until 21 or until profits -

The whole point is that the price is either standing still or creeping slowly and surely - and then it goes up - example after 25 GBPUSD and EURUSD has gone up 100 pips

so what? a forecast created half a month ago gives a profit that everyone would be jealous of

All right what next? look at the hourly cycle - and the cycle was done at 7am on the 27th - hourly - by the corners of the pivot points and the estimated price high or low -

Here's a quote from Gunn -

Gunn based his trading methods on "time" rather than "price", like many systems today. This allowed Gunn to determine not only when the trend would change, but also the best price to enter or exit the market. Gann's methods were so precise that in the presence of mainstream financial public, he executed 286 deals during 25 trading days, both on long and short positions. Out of these, 264 deals were profitable! In 1933, Gunn made 479 deals during the year. 422 of them were profitable, and 57 were losing. Profit on his capital was about 4000%. In most cases, Gann gave in advance exact prices at which certain stocks and commodities would be sold, together with prices close to the prevailing values which were then unaffected.

History is repeating itself. The basis of Gunn's predictions was that history repeats itself. In his novel Tunnel Through the Air, he says: "My calculations are based on the theory of cycles and on mathematical sequences. History repeats itself. What I have always been convinced of is that to know and predict the future of anything, you only have to look at what happened in the past and find the right basis or starting point for your calculations. My conviction in such a statement (that the future is only a rehearsal of the past) is backed up by the Bible:

Ecclesiastes 1:9: "What was, is, and what was done, is, and what is to be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.",30.0.html THIS IS THE LARGEST FORUM ON THE SUBJECT


Take AUD USD - look at the date of the high - this is the 03.05 number - and shade it green - then remember what Hahn said about cycles and 360 degrees that price returns to the corners

According to my observations the interval between a trough and a peak is 2 days - and this is just the corners - and the real tops or troughs are formed at the end of 360 degrees - 200 pips to one side

So back to the calculation - what is it ? 03.05 is high + 2 days is low and so on.

The first top at the end of a 360 degree cycle is the date 11.05 and the pair AUD USD should be peak - or top, call it what you want - what next? the cycle is over and went a new one - date 13 low - and from 11 to sell - and 13 to close - 2 days passed you in the pocket 250 pips - close the position and wait for 15 - if the market behaves asset towards the high then BUY if not then advise to wait 2 days to 17 and then buy until 19 - and then sell until 21 - to sell

To cut a long story short - now the cycle has passed on the 27th - and there is a peak ) you can sell - and to what date, I have already made a prediction and it is in another thread


For EUR USD took a peak on the 19th - the price went 360 degrees till the 27th - completing the cycle - now a new market is forming after the 27 - 28th 30 - 31st high is possible but I would rather sell from 31st till 02.06 on Wednesday Tuesday so sell only - and now look for a confirmation on past data

Everything matches up - then intuition and hourly cycles for better entry - the hardest part is waiting for a peak or bottom - you can't buy before the low and sell before the high either -

Usually one day before a peak price goes up 100 pips or stand still - and rises at the last moment


Sinusoidal vibration tool - helps to identify cycle, wave peaks or bottoms -

Below are very useful indicators that help identify the trend, cycle - you can see that 25 was the bottom and you could buy and get a 27 profit

I will now attach the sine indicator -