Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 61


You must have the Framework installed in order for the calculator to work.

If you get an error it means the framework is not installed.

There is a link in the manual where you can download it.

kir1381 is presented with a ban for ignoring the moderator's advice not to advertise paid products.
kir1381 is presented with a ban for ignoring the moderator's advice not to advertise paid products.
And the videos have all been scrubbed... harsh... well, let's enjoy Mixona's hamsters ))))

You must have the Framework installed in order for the calculator to work.

If you get an error it means the framework is not installed.

There is a link in the manual where you can download it.

And I have the framework installed. So while you're at it, you might as well have a think about what's wrong )

And the videos have all been scrubbed... harsh... well, let's enjoy Mixona's hamsters ))))

Hamsters are beautiful... and with them, who's the little guy?

The hamsters are beautiful... and with them, who's the man?

The one who moves the market with words.


The hamsters are beautiful... and with them, what's with the little guy?

My calculations concerning the stock market, or any future event, I will know the past history and what cycle we are in now, and then predict the curve of the future, which is a repetition of past changes in the market. The great law of vibration is based on the production of details. How cause produces effect. The limit of future predictions based on accurate mathematical calculation can only be limited by the lack of knowledge of certain dates from the past to be drawn from. A few years ago even scientists, let alone the public, would have laughed at this and refused to believe it. But mathematics, which is the only science recognised by the entire civilised world, gives unmistakable proof of the repetition of history and shows that cycle theory, or harmonic analysis, is the only thing we can rely on to determine the future.

A long time ago an article by Sir Arthur Evans, an advanced English archaeologist, was placed in the New York American newspaper where he described an excavation on the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. Modern dwellings, baths, corsets - all the same things used today - were found. The pipes had been laid so well that they could still be used today. It has been revealed that the ancient city was destroyed more than 5,000 years ago, around 3,500 BC. The fact that the apartments that are so popular today already existed a long time ago is one piece of evidence that history repeats itself, that "there is nothing new under the sun" and we are simply reviving the old.

You may ask how I predict future cycles.

To do this, it is important to start right, because having the right start will produce the right result. If we know the cause of what happened, then we can determine the future event or outcome without any doubt. I have always looked for the cause and when I identified it once, I was sure of the next occurrence I predicted. IN GENERAL, I DO NOT EXPLAIN THE CAUSE OF CYCLES. The general public is not yet ready for it and probably would not understand or believe it, even if I explained it. Every law of nature has a majority and a minority; positive, negative, and neutral. Therefore, and cycles must be small, large and in-between, cycles within cycles. As Ezekiel said, "The wheel is within the wheel". Time is the big factor that proves all things. The measurement of time is based on the movement of the earth around the axis. One of the smallest cycles, or factor of time that repeats regularly in things - very active and has a high vibration - is the four-minute cycle. The reason is that the earth moves 1 degree every four minutes. The next cycle is 24 hours, the time it takes the earth to make one revolution around the axis. This is how humans measure their daily cycle. The next important cycle is the year, the time it takes for the earth to move around the sun. Which causes the four seasons of the year. They are all minor cycles.

Major cycles that repeat every 100 and 5000 years with variations based on minor cycles. To be convinced of the cyclical nature of world events and important changes it is necessary to go back at least 1000 years and prove the cycles. Such proof is found in the Bible: "A small number shall become a thousand, out of a small number shall come a strong nation; I, God, shall quicken this time. Also "One day with God as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day". Another testimony of the 1000 year cycle, "And he slew the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years."

If you go back 1,000 years, you can find ample evidence of how history repeated itself. From 916 - 923 A.D. Europe went down the same path in the same conditions that were 1000 years later, around 1914 - 1920. During the first period mentioned there were European wars, panic and crop failures. History shows that in 916 agriculture in the British Isles was very poor and there was a big shortage of wheat and grain. People practically did not cultivate the soil because of the war. The same thing happened 1000 years later in 1916 and 1917 when the country needed to supply food to starving Europe, send men there and help financially to save their army from defeat. In 917, Constantinople was besieged by the Bulgarians and the war continued until 919. In the period between 1914 and 1919 the war prevailed in Turkey and spread all over Europe. In 923 there was a civil war in France and 1000 years later, in 1923, there was trouble again in France, which continues to this day.


I received your amazing letter and predictions of future cycles. I am amazed, so young and yet you have vast knowledge. It shows that you are a diligent student and a seeker of hidden secrets. You will be rewarded. I have faith in the Bible and in you, Robert. In 1919, I lost a lot of money on a tip. Now I just have to trust you to risk a little money for your predictions based on the Bible. So, I have telegraphed my brokers in New York to buy 500 units of July cotton at 13.70 today .If it goes up, I will keep the winning money and give you and Mary a gift for your wedding, or, if you badly need the money to promote your invention, I will give it to you for that purpose.


I look forward to the day when Wall Street explodes with a buzz. Money means nothing to me except achieving , helping my country and buying you things that will make you happy.

Money means nothing to Gunn - it is now clear where his millions disappeared to after his death