Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 12

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Then how do I know which cell (other than the first) to colour? How do I use yellow?

What principle do you use to colour the cells? Automatically when calculating, or manually?

Read books + cycles - personal experience says that every 2 days - Ghana himself wrote in his note to the fund manager that it is better to use the square on peaks and on the bottom - and also take those 2 days into account -

But this only became known after his death - but even then he was not interesting to the public - the public itself was interested when he was under 30 years old -

He had a lot of secrets - and some even he didn't put out in the course for a lot of money

There is also a rumour - that he did this to cover his real methodology - but I think this is a rumour - square 9 is his tool - and read his book Tunneling through the air - there is an expression there that scattered corners, cycles and so on many hints -

price chooses its corners - now you understand why the euro on Friday stopped at such a massive figure of 1431 - please note that the last peak was 421 - and the pullback -

I have many techniques - at the price and time - but only one of them here - food for thought I have given you.)


How complicated everything is with you, can you simply use trend lines in the terminal to make your predictions?

ZS: the topic is interesting, ignore those who believe in their bad luck and unpredictability of the market

When going by Gunn, plan to spend at least 4 years with the original material to begin to understand something...

hjlujghglu : You want a Gann squared 9, here is a calculator... put in the number you want to break away from and how many levels... You don't need to colour anything...


When going by Gunn, plan to spend at least four years with the original material to begin to understand something.

So the whole question is to believe that Gann's theory works in forex, that's why I'm asking for some predictions to make sure
so the whole question is to believe that Gunn's theory works in forex, so I'm asking for a couple of predictions to make sure

The thing is that even if there are people whose predictions are correct, they will not tell you how they made them, because they spent a lot of time studying price-time astro techniques.
so the whole question is to believe that Gunn's theory works in forex, that's why I'm asking for a couple of predictions to make sure

Wait for the 2 number on the euro-dollar pair bottom - here are two proofs - by logic should touch the 421 corner - and up now as if the market chooses the 421 or 441 price angle


The thing is that even if there are people whose forecasts are correct, they will not tell you how they made them, as they have spent more than one or two years studying the astro techniques of price-time formulation...

I spent 2 months - this month I made a profit of 600 pips on AUD took all the peaks and bases due to these dates - I knew the dates weeks in advance -

Without the program, I would not have been able to do it - on Skype I taught the man to trade by this method and here I have shown them - he made 100 pips in 2 days - 19 sold, 23 committed

I didn't want to publish it all here - why should I post a shovel with which you can rake gold?

Before Ghana, I read his books and caught a glimpse of square 9 - that's where I had my epiphany about the market - and its structure.

The fact that it works is indisputable - look at the euro dollar since 05/05 and trade mentally.


The thing is, even if there are people whose predictions are correct, they won't tell you how they made them, as they spent more than one or two years studying astro techniques on price-time formulation.

You're absolutely right, that's why I got interested in this topic, it looks like a person is sharing his experience, which is not a fact, but I also cannot deny that this type of analysis does not work, as I do not understand it yet

You are absolutely right, that's why I got interested in this topic, the man seems to share his experience, which is not a fact, but I cannot deny that this type of analysis does not work, because I do not understand it yet

I agree the topic is very complicated, I could hardly figure it out myself - look at the history, dates from 05 05 05 - high low - squares - and you will understand that this is the most accurate tool -


I spent 1 month - on this month made a profit of 600 pips on AUD took all peaks and bases due to these dates - dates I knew weeks in advance -

Without the program, I would not have been able to do it - on Skype I taught the man to trade by this method and here I have shown them - he made 100 pips in 2 days - 19 sold, 23 committed

I didn't even want to publish it all here - because why post a shovel with which you can rake gold?
