[Archive! - page 87


Flying not only in my dreams, but also in my waking life. Watch.

you can see very clearly, especially at the 2:00 minute mark, that there's just a long glass pole stuck up his arse.
and the man on the ground below is just carrying it.

On hydrogen peroxide they

Перекись водорода в чистом виде относительно устойчива, но при контакте с катализатором (например, с серебром) стремительно разлагается на воду и кислород, менее чем за 1/10 миллисекунды увеличиваясь в объёме в 5000 раз.
2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2

Реакция протекает экзотермически, то есть с выделением большого количества теплоты (~2500 кДж/кг). Образующаяся при этом парогазовая смесь имеет температуру 740 °C.


you can see very clearly, especially at the 2:00 minute mark, that there's a long glass pole just stuck up his arse.
and the man on the ground below is just carrying it.

they discussed this video somewhere - editing, special viewers are usually limited in number and the area is deserted - an industrial zone (and the shadow of him on the wall is unnatural, like a silhouette being moved)


Why is it that people don't have enough mashes, they always need a vibe W)))

And they also lure people into their monthly cycles.


I trade according to the vibration of the market - according to the mathematical model - before that I used wands + classic technical analysis with the indicator attached below.

If you follow all the rules you can make 20 pips a day in a stable manner - enough to become a millionaire in 2 years.

This is a kind of ideal vibration of the market

And those who like cycles will love this theme

BoraBo: Why do people have so few machetes?
Mashkas are aesthetically unattractive.
Mascots are aesthetically unappealing.

Mascots are a perfect tool for showing the average price at a certain point in time.

And they are always a millionaire on the story :)

...We've discussed this kind of shit here before, I don't remember which thread - possibly "Humour"... "Smokehouse" - wasn't there yet, when the skillful ones were running on water - including running over small rivers... :-))) Well, and there in the clip explained - supposedly for that you need special shoes, good speed... :-)))

By the way, found a link to that material - especially look at the second clip, "beautifully swim ...", ugh, run "... here is that group in striped swimming costumes ..." :-))

P.S. Although the text on the video in Aglitsky, but still understandable (Aglitsky - school level).

BoraBo: Mashki is a perfect tool for showing the average price at a certain point in time.
Any tool with a rigidly deterministic algorithm is ideal.
Any tool with a rigidly deterministic algorithm is ideal.
Can you depict an example of a tool with a non-deterministic algorithm that is not perfect?