[Archive! - page 93


Alive and alive, from Izhevsk they say it was seen at night, but I didn't see it, I only found out myself in the morning. The sentry at the post must have had a smoke.
Alive and alive, from Izhevsk they say it was seen at night, but I didn't see it, I only found out myself in the morning. The sentry at the post must have had a smoke.
Yeah, it's cool there, don't go there again. I had a truck robbed in the centre of town in '95 by a machine gunner.
Yeah, it's cool there, don't go there again. I had a truck robbed in the centre of town in '95 by machine gunners.
It happens), you ask a sentry for a light, he'll give it to you from the bottom of his heart.)

...For example, in theory, milk could be produced directly from grass using nanotechnology.

And why from grass, why not from faeces?

"Eat processed foods!" © x.f. Judge Dread.

meat is unhealthy and slaughterhouses are inhumane)

How long have you been a vegetarian? How many years?

And why from grass, why not from faeces?

"Eat processed foods!" © x.f. Judge Dread.

It's a matter of choice, who likes what they like... I didn't think of feces, just like that, all of a sudden...

"Tell me, how long have you been a vegetarian? How many years?"

It's not about vegetarianism, it's not about vegetarianism as such...


1. A matter of choice, who likes what they like... I didn't think of faecal matter, just like that, all at once...

2 "Tell me, how long have you been a vegetarian? How many years?"

It's not about vegetarianism, it's not about vegetarianism as such...

1. So you're the one who promotes nanotechnology products, you must love it.

2. Not necessarily from the beginning, but you have touched on the subject of the harm of meat. It's interesting to know if you're a vegetarian for writing about it so openly in the masses. That's why I would like to know if you're into vegetarianism, so the question remains - how much experience have you had as a vegetarian, how old are you?


"1. So you're the one who promotes nanotechnology products, you must love it."

I have never tried any "nanotechnology" products. I'm not advocating, just giving an opinion on possible, hypothetical perspectives.

"2. Not necessarily from the beginning, but you've hit on the subject of meat harm. It is interesting to know if you are a vegetarian since you are writing about it so openly in the masses. So I would like to know if you are a vegetarian, so the question remains - what is your experience of vegetarianism, how many years?"

I couldn't get into the subject of the harms of meat... I didn't say anything about any particular harm from meat... I was just saying that there are alternatives, without making any claims. Remember, it's not about vegetarianism and it's certainly not about anyone's food preferences...

Meat is far from the best thing a person should eat, that's for sure.