[Archive! - page 80

and if you put an object on top of it, the whole thing takes off for some reason.

The take-off is all clear, the landing problem remains to be solved. :-D

Даже если и есть такая сетка, экранирующая гравитацию, показанная на фотографиях платформа не сможет летать. Гребенников сам пишет, что эта сетка не летает, она экранирует графитационное поле. Предмет помещенный на сетку потеряет вес и все. Сама сетка не летает, а если на нее положить предмет, то все вместе почему-то взлетает. Не кажется ли это странным? Если и есть такая сетка, то нужна дополнительная подъемная сила, а на показанной платформе нет ничего создающего подъемную силу.

Look carefully at the picture, the author's drawing (bottom view of the platform). There is no net, but there is a fan fixed in the corner and capable of closing or opening by changing the thrust.

There must be one fan for each corner (see picture of folded and unfolded platform: there is a bolt in each corner)

I can understand everything about taking off, but now I have to solve the landing problem. :-D

.... Fold the wings - and stone down.

I noticed (you should also notice) that the beetles have been flying for a long time and are not uncomfortable.

They fly low and low, but it is more for safety reasons, not to be eaten by birds.


I heard about the "bug" antigravity story about 15 years ago. I think it's bullshit, otherwise mankind would have been flying their own flyers a long time ago.

The creation of flying machines that use antigravity is possible, scientifically and experimentally proved (small experimental saucers take off and float in the air). This requires a core with a winding in a state of superconductivity (but there is still a problem - we are actively searching for materials with elevated superconductivity temperatures).


I heard about the "bug" antigravity story about 15 years ago. I think it's bullshit, otherwise mankind would have been flying their own flyers a long time ago.

The creation of flying machines that use antigravity is possible, scientifically and experimentally proved (small experimental saucers take off and float in the air). They need a core with windings in a superconducting state (but there is still a problem - we are actively searching for materials with superconducting temperatures).

Consider whether this is necessary to the authorities. Such devices make any border transparent.

The airline companies and oil monopolies do not need it either... etc., etc.

I.e. they will do everything so that people will not have such flying platforms.


All is clear with take-off, the landing problem remains to be solved. :-D
Where are the landings? (c)

Think about whether the authorities need it. Such apparatuses make any border transparent.

Neither do the airlines, the oil monopolies... etc, etc.

I.e. they will do everything to prevent people from having such flying platforms.

It's always like this - as soon as it comes to the actual schemes, you get "arguments" like "think about it... Give me a scheme of this scooter and I promise you that no "authorities" will be able to stop the process of scooter spreading around the planet. Only there is no scheme, only speculation, fantasies, hopes and aspirations.
Only there is no scheme, only speculation, fantasies, hopes and aspirations.
Yeah, your pipe here has been smoking incessantly for four (?) years. theoretically, a perpetual motion machine. but no, greenpeace will eat it up! And it's not profitable for energy companies either... :)
But it does benefit the tobacco companies )) and the headwear factory - again, advertising ))
It's always like this. When it comes to real schemes, you get "arguments" like, "Think about it... Give me a scheme of this scooter and I promise you that no "authorities" will be able to stop the process of spreading this scooter around the planet. Only there is no scheme, only speculation, fantasies, hopes and aspirations.

I certainly don't have the blueprints. I only became acquainted with this topic two days ago.

But there are many resources on the internet on this subject. Some people have been doing this for a long time. What are their results? I do not know. They may already be flying under the radar without attracting the attention of the intelligence services.

Talk to them and make the platform public.

No one is flying, please.