[Archive! - page 494


Prokhorov is in the wrong business. He would have been better off issuing a program of some kind... Of course it is right and obvious by and large, but you have to think and calculate.


On 19 December a Putin- and Surkov-controlled tabloid published my phone conversations.
Some of these conversations are really mine, some are editing, and some are just fake.

I do not hide, I am very, very uncomfortable with the publication of these wiretaps.
After all, phone conversations are the same as letters. Reading other people's letters is obscene, even if they are obscene.

As for my private life, I made no such commitments (in particular to avoid profanity).

I apologize to Zhenya Chirikova, Bozhena Rynsky, and anyone else who has been hurt and insulted by my private phone calls. I think that what I did was wrong. You need to keep your emotions in check and watch every word you say even when you talk to your family and friends on the phone.

By the way it concerns not only me but all those who are involved in the process of rally preparation and oppose crooks and thieves."


Hooray, comrades! All to the barricades!!! Let's not forget!!!



Prokhorov is in the wrong business. He would have been better off with a programme of some sort... But of course it is right and obvious by and large, but you have to think and calculate.

That's what I think, it seems obvious. But is it realistic to put it into practice?

Вот и я думаю, что вроде бы очевидно. Но реально ли это воплотить в жизнь?

Absolutely realistic.
Absolutely realistic.

But it's a long process, 1 presidential term is probably not enough for Prokhorov.
Absolutely realistic.
And if you imagine Prokhorov as president, how quickly would he organise this, in your opinion?

But it's a long process, 1 presidential term for Prokhorov probably won't be enough.

What term? it's a divorce, Putin is not going away

But it is a long process, Prokhorov's first presidential term will probably not be enough.

Medvedev's presidential term was not enough for anything.

Prokhorov will hopefully have enough.

And if you imagine Prokhorov as president, how quickly would he organise it, in your opinion?

You can ask him on his blog.

The construction of the residence could take several years, because it's both security and infrastructure, but it's realistic.


It was Medvedev's presidential term that was not enough for anything.

Prokhorov, I hope, has had enough.

I propose an argument . In the set. 1. Putin will wish us a happy new year 2. Putin will win the election