[Archive! - page 399


Parfyonov it is.

He is the most anti-Soviet and Russophobe I have ever met.

I'm not going to argue about "politics" with you )) Although Yavlinsky was and Nemtsov and waaa...
Swetten: As Maidauns, you will simply be used, thrown out and forgotten.

Maidauns are Maidauns, but the elections in Ukraine are not like the ones that took place on December 4 in Russia.

Yes, it is clear that the Orange authorities have not fulfilled the vast majority of their promises. Well, that is always the case. But at least something happened.

Ask for more and you will get less than you asked for, but still more than if you had asked for less.

Maidauns are Maidauns, but elections in Ukraine are not like December 4 in Russia. Yes, it is clear that the Orange authorities have not fulfilled the vast majority of their promises. Well, that is always the case. But at least something came out of it. Ask for more and you will get less than more, but more than if you had asked for less.

Naturally, it doesn't look like it.

There was a coup d'état there.

As for "the vast majority of their promises have not been kept" - that's what I'm talking about - the Maidanites have been used and thrown out.

No one would think of doing anything about it.

And may I ask, what was it all about "at least something worked out"?


Another orange...


I don't even want to comment on the rest - the inflamed delirium of a teenager.


my stance in life is never to argue, never to polemic with a woman.

And I wasn't expecting a response to what I said, much less from a woman.



My position in life is never to argue or polemic with a woman.

And I wasn't expecting a response to what I said, much less from a woman.

Genius. First to jump into a conversation and then proudly withdraw under the pretext of "I'm not like that".

Such schizophrenia, by the way, is very typical of 'revolutionaries'.



Live from the yellow house: Kiselev and Rynska, a renowned expert on everything in the world.

Mishek, don't embarrass yourself. You should also bring Novodvorskaya here.

The number of inadequate people on this forum already exceeds all the MAC.


Live from the yellow house: Kiselev and Rynska, a renowned expert on everything in the world.

Mishek, don't embarrass yourself. You should also bring Novodvorskaya here.

The number of inadequate people on this forum even without them exceeds all the MAC.

I still love you

I want you anyway.


I still love you

I still want you

Don't blow the house! :)
ok )