[Archive! - page 404


The experts are the best of the lot!

As they say, with the abolition of punitive psychiatry, the intelligentsia has lost even a ghost of hope for timely medical care.



Hi, Svetik!

Listen, don't smoke - it's contagious. Especially here.

I don't smoke, I'm wearing a tinfoil hat.


Swetten: After, of course.

When you're in a muddy swarm of left-handed vodka, drugs, diasporas and their attendant ethnic criminals, a hundred varieties of crap sausage, cheap soap operas about criminals and the other 33 pleasures.

Here we go, Swetten. We've had it all for 20 years now.

The only thing is that the soap operas about criminals are over, we passed that stage a long time ago.

P.S. Pardon, was that about Belarus? Oh, yes, that's right then.


Here we go, Swetten. We've had it all for 20 years now.

Quite right. The USSR collapsed - and so it goes. If Batya's regime collapses, it will be the same, at least. But something after the well-known events tells me that it will be even worse, even bloodier.

Only the soap operas about criminals are over, we have gone through this stage long time ago.

The latest one is about Mischka the Japon, or something. They do. Yeah, they do.

The taller ones like to look at themselves as romantics.

Jesus, Alexei, even children's cartoons are called "Underwater Boys", although it's really something like "Underwater Tales".

Or don't you go out at all?

Swetten: The most recent one is about Japon Bear, or something like that. They do. Yes, they do.
Oh, I don't watch zombie TV at all.

Jesus, Alexei, even children's cartoons are called "Underwater Bratva", although it's actually something like "Underwater Tales".

Or don't you go out at all?

Svetlana, I remind you, there are rallies outside and cartoons at home :)
Oh, I don't watch zombie TV at all.

I don't watch either, but you can't escape those around you.

Svetlana, I remind you that there are rallies outside and cartoons at home :)
"First the celebrations were planned, then the arrests, then they decided to combine" (c) "That Munchausen" :)
"First the celebrations were planned, then the arrests, then we decided to combine" (c) "That Munchausen" :)

Space... time... logic... rhetoric...

Just 200 grams, please. I like a varied table.


We too traded the USSR for sausage.

Now we die a million a year.

Not counting the losses of the suburbs, those who were killed there, the rise of nationalism, etc.

Is this the future you want for yourself?

Why do you hate your country and your children's future so much that you can just throw it all away for the sake of sweet promises?

in its entirety.