[Archive! - page 229


We Tartars only want it for free. I wondered, who am I by blood? It's quite a mix: Poles, Tatars, Russians. (Laughs!)))

The soul... And here it is - in one place. They don't ask...

And I have about the same, or rather, with the Poles, but without Tatars (although I can only trace up to the 3rd tribe), plus possibly Armenians (in theory), and my mother-in-law, God rest her soul, if you paint her with soot - a pure Negro, her teeth at 75 were all white and her own. But she's gone now. It's a pity. No one to fight and solve life's problems with. Not enough. We only put a price on loss, while we have, we don't.

ZS. I want to learn (learn) Ridna Mova. I have a last name with an "O" in it and in Ukrainian, I know only a few songs. If anyone can help me, how?

Watch Ukrainian television, listen to people... ))
Where is it? I'm looking for you, not ..... (I don't know how to continue).

And what did I want to say, I have brakes from all this video, although I honour, love, respect and will spread it. Nostalgia for the Soviet Union, by the way, I think the new anthem ..., it would be better to keep the Soviet one, or at least "God Save the Tsar...". Although to the music of this anthem of El Registan... We got used to it, got used to it. (I think I am not the only one).
Although to the music of this El Registan anthem... Used to it, stuck to it. (I don't think I'm the only one).
Well... I haven't had a chance yet, thank God.
Well... I haven't had a chance yet, thank God.
Well, what didn't make it, what didn't make it, what are you smoking, not clear?
Well, what didn't you have time for, what didn't you have time for, what aren't you smoking?
Didn't have time to get used to the music of that El Registan anthem
Didn't have time to get used to the music of this El-Registan anthem
Duck, the music was written by El-Registan, and Mikhalkov's lyrics, in a second version. The music hasn't changed, the anthem is cool, though it looks like "God Save the Tsar!"
Hey, you two, the smokehouse is where we talk. Not to be confused with the stoner's lounge.
Hey, you two, the smokehouse is where we talk. Not to be confused with the stoner's lounge.
You didn't like the actual flight to the ISS?
Didn't you enjoy the actual flight to the ISS?

I don't smoke.