[Archive! - page 123


I wonder how it can't still be transmitted through one wire?

The only difference is that now it is divided into phases, while zero is zero as it is, grounding can be done from any source, even a pipe stuck in the ground as long as it reaches the water. I remember in the USSR, they used to puncture Soviet meters, removed the zero and instead stuck a pipe in the ground, and here you have zero, and the Soviet meter did not work, it was done in the private sector in a flat, the scheme of cheating the state was different.

I do not know if they had a patent, they would know, but the teacher's name is not Yusuf, another serious person, by the way)))

A wire into the ground instead of zero will not work. A pipe into the ground works because the ground near the house is connected to ground zero.


A wire into the ground instead of zero will not work. A pipe into the ground works because near the house the ground is connected to zero.

Go and study physics, preferably at an elementary level. What zero is and what it is for.

I may be behind the times. But, there will be voltage at the output from the left half-bridge, I can draw the shape. R1 will be zero, i.e. nothing.

The high frequency was needed to use the capacitance of the diodes. But diodes have no capacitance !

But in any case this is a completely different topic from the one in the TV report. There the conductor is used as a guide for energy transfer, not in the way described.


I may be behind the times. But, there will be voltage at the output from the left half-bridge, I can draw the shape. R1 will be zero, i.e. nothing.

The high frequency was needed to use the capacitance of the diodes. But diodes have no capacitance !

Don't you need a capacitor?

Isn't a capacitor needed?

What do you mean, a capacitor? It's not in the schematic, but the description reads - "It is known that a diode is also an electrical capacitor".

I may be behind the times. But, there will be voltage at the output from the left half-bridge, I can draw the shape. R1 will be zero, i.e. nothing.

The high frequency was needed to use the capacitance of the diodes. But diodes have no capacitance !

But in any case this is a completely different topic from the one in the TV report. There the conductor is used as a guide for energy transfer, not in the way described.

1. There is, fractions of a peak, strongly depends on the frequency and the parameters of the diode itself (generally speaking, the body of the diode relative to the anode or cathode is also a capacitance, you can use it).

2. very close. It looks like an HF transmission... A wire instead of a guide antenna.

Not sure about the efficiency yet.


What do you mean it's needed? It is not on the schematic, but in the description we read - "It is known that the diode is also an electrical capacitor".
If of course the capacitance allows it to be a capacitor then maybe.... but strangely enough the schematic does not show it but it says the other two in one - this is the first time I have heard of a diode being combined with a capacitor or being a capacitor.
that the diode is coupled to a capacitor or is one.
A varicap is called

1. There is, fractions of a 1-digit peak, highly dependent on the frequency and the parameters of the diode itself (generally speaking, the diode body relative to the anode or cathode is also a capacitance, you can use it).

It is conventionally assumed that a diode conducts only in one direction. In fact, it does not. A diode conducts in both directions, but with different resistance. The higher the resistance in the opposite direction, the higher the quality of the diode.

It CANNOT be a capacitor, neither in HF or NF, nor a case or anything else.

It's called a varicap.

A varicap is a varicap.

A diode is a diode.

There's a diode in the diagram.