EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 688


The advisor closed the sale and opened to buy ))))

What exactly was the buy signal? I'm trending downwards although it's too early to buy - I think the indyuks are probably pointing to a sell signal.
What exactly was the buy signal? I am trending downwards although it is too early to buy - I think the indyuks are probably pointing to a sell signal.

I have M5 )))

What advisor?

Self-made )))
What a joy for scalpers these days )))))
More details of the US budget deal are surfacing in the media:

- Government aims to cut budget deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years or less

- The deficit will be cut to 2.5% of GDP by 2015 and to 2% of GDP by the end of the decade.

- Negotiations with Congress may be scheduled for May

- Bush programme tax cuts to be abolished

- Defense funding will be cut by $400 billion over the next 10 years.

Republican leaders, meanwhile, argue that raising taxes is not the answer and that raising the debt ceiling cannot be done without budget cuts. McConnell also said that the US must show other countries that it is serious about reducing its budget deficit. John Boehner stressed that negotiations on the debt ceiling will continue in the coming weeks.


I have M5 ))))
On m5 it's the same all day (I don't see any signals) anywhere buy, sell chart is the same (but actually everyone has his own secrets) Good luck!

What advisor?

he's got a cool one!

It was the same last time.

So did I.

What a joy for scalpers these days )))))

No, not only scalpers, you can leave positions down until the morning - it's going that way ;)
And I've got TC shopping in full swing )))) Maybe I'll fly veneer )))) One consolation - it's not my problem, but the councilor ))))
Forget the buy on the eur.dol. No higher than 1.4475. Tomorrow 1.4385-1.4355.1.4295. And then it might go up.