EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 357


Shit, Kashpirovsky rests.....))))

Let's order where to stop....))))


1.44 and above the mid-term is likely to be sold...

46 is visible there as well - now we would like to take a correction and watch for reversal in case

Shit, Kashpirovsky rests.....))))

Let's order where to stop....))))

You don't have to stop)))

You don't have to stop))))

It will stop on its own....)))

It will stop itself....)))

There are no warrants on it)))

46 is also visible there - now we should take a correction and keep an eye out for a reversal

The reversal is unlikely to happen in one day's candle...there should be we all have time to jump down...but I can't even guess from where...

That's a good one.


The old Wall Street anecdote.

A man comes to the doctor:

- Doctor, help me. My brother thinks he's a chicken.

- Here, take these pills. They should help.

- No, you don't understand. We need eggs.


In short, the Evra is just begging to be bumped into this stuff


Strangerr. No. But I understand the situation. Everything's falling into place. I see things clearly now. I don't think I'm wrong.