EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 351


You've got it wrong...

And by the same token:

$1.4330/35 strong technical resistance
$1.4300 intermediate offers
$1.4280/85 strong offers
$1.4250 intermediate offers on the way
$1.4230/35 intermediate offers
$1.4200 intraday high in Asia/stronger offers/stops higher/option expiry
$1.4175/85 intermediate offers, area of highs

$1.4150/45 strong demand
$1.4140 intermediate demand/Stops up/expiry option
$1.4130 intermediate demand
$1.4100 intermediate demand/option expiry
$1.4085/80 intermediate demand
$1.4070 option expiry
$1.4055/50 intermediate demand

I got it all right, thanks Margaret.

euro/franc - sold out.


euro/franc - sold out.

This pair is more influenced by the movement on the buckschiff than on the eu/bucks.

This pair is more influenced by the movement on the buckschiff than the eurobucks.
I think there were 5 waves on the sixth, I'll put 50 pips and go down! (the bars, the trends are neatly plotted - after the weekend all is tapered - who's tossing?)

euro/franc- sold out.

Can't justify it. No rationale, I don't know what to call it, but there is some inner understanding sitting there that the eu should continue to rise today. Although I am out of the market myself. I do not understand the situation. Consciousness does not see, but subconsciousness says up....)))) It happens, doesn't it? ....)))

Everyone, you made me laugh...)))


I got it all right, thanks Margaret.
The ECB usually uses the expression "considerable vigilance" to signal an imminent key rate hike. Furthermore, both ECB chief Jean-Claude Trichet and ECB Governing Council member Yves Mersch have already used it in previous weeks.

Can't justify it. No rationale, I don't know what to call it, but there is some inner understanding sitting there that the eu should continue to rise today. Although I am out of the market myself. I do not understand the situation. Consciousness does not see, but subconsciousness says up....)))) It happens, doesn't it? ....)))

Everyone, you made me laugh...))

will go down
The ECB normally uses the expression "considerable vigilance" to signal an imminent key rate hike. In addition, both ECB chief Jean-Claude Trichet and ECB Governing Council member Yves Mersch have already used it in previous weeks.
Margaret the war has no effect on the euro - news on the subject is not pegged to the exchange rate?

I can't justify it. No reasoning, I do not know how to call it, but there is some inner understanding that the eu should continue to grow today. Although I am out of the market. I do not understand the situation. Consciousness does not see, but subconsciousness says up....)))) It happens, doesn't it? ....)))

Everybody, you made me laugh...)))

I don't see anything funny...The normal reaction of the inner voice is called "gut feeling".

Trichet hasn't finished speaking yet...


That's the way it feels