Strategic foresight systems - page 25


Тоже оффтопик.


Apologies for the offtops, ...

it's not offtopics, it's a part of ourselves, i.e. what we are then 'made of'. :о)))))


Tambov wolchars don't understand scientific babble.

yes, tambov wolchars are real guys, fan fingers bend, oscillators vibrate, and generally, dudes live by technical concepts.

There is a lull in forecasts.

Writing - I'm taking time out, I think I'll continue on Monday. Another attempt to clarify the model. But you are not a reader - you are a writer.

PS: As though with predictions here I plan to bore you for a long time, if moderators will not close the whole bench.


And in this, what you have drawn - we are in complete agreement :o)

Farnsworth: PS: As it happens, I plan to pester you here for a long time, if the moderators don't shut the whole place down.
Oh, come on, Sergey. This thread is one of the most disciplined and also the most interesting.

to Mathemat

Да ну брось ты, Сергей. Эта ветка - одна из самых дисциплинированных и к тому же интересных.

I meant it as a joke :o). By the way, I share your joy about the emergence of normal wave-makers. I was infected with it myself once. Though there was a revolutionary change, but all the same, it's just pleasant to read in comparison with ...

to Vizard

Yesterday, running on business, I saw your posts, thought I'll reply to them today, but they are gone. It looks like there was an interesting link to the data... at least give it back if possible :o(


to Vizard

Yesterday, running on business, saw your posts, thought I'll reply today, but they are gone. I saw an interesting link to the data... at least give it back if possible :o(

I thought it wasn't interesting so I deleted it...

there is an export on the rbc - but there are problems

1. any macro info is uploaded with the file name EXPORT, i.e. you need to rename it afterwards

2.The data is back to front (shown left to right instead of left to right as we are used to)


I contacted the programmers all are busy...

on finam _ - no export and copy only manually...

I have not found ftp with files neither there nor there...

I mean daily downloads and conversion to cv files is needed to work properly,

but you can do it with a pen first... as the result is not yet known

I have one more option - to download them directly from sites where they publish them (offsites) have not looked yet ...

3... it's time to check its trustworthiness... we don't know the sources... There shouldn't be any discrepancy, but who knows...

I've been wanting to do this for a long time now - I'll look at it quietly...

...I'll be looking at it ... I don't want to make daily forecasts but rather to identify trends on the daily basis ... and then use it in TS ...

that's the way I see it...

if anyone has any progress in this area please share...



If anyone has any progress in this area, please share...

I've seen an indicator on the news flow somewhere on the web, but it didn't hit my fancy right away.

I googled it. I found a link News is taken from

May be useful in terms of importing? No time to figure it out. I am sleepy.

For a long time I have been thinking how to make mechanics for the import, but I have not found any good options.


I thought it wasn't interesting and I deleted it to avoid cluttering up the place...

rbc has an export option - but there are problems

1.any is unloaded with the file name exprott, i.e. then it needs to be renamed

2.The data is back to front (shown left to right instead of left to right as we are used to)


I contacted the programmers all are busy...

on finam _ - no export and copy only manually...

I have not found ftp with files neither there nor there...

I mean daily downloads and conversion to cv files is needed to work properly,

but you can do it with a pen first... as the result is not yet known

I have one more option - to download them directly from sites where they publish them (offsites) have not looked yet ...

3...I have to check the validity of the situation, because we don't know the sources... There shouldn't be any discrepancy...

Yeah, so I thought I'd get the data together quickly and then that was a bummer. Because the main difficulty is that so far it's not very clear what I'm looking for - so I have to collect everything, and there's just a lot of it.

Anyway, I've been wanting to get into this subject for a long time now - I'll be looking at it slowly...

similarly, there's no rush

I'm not making daily predictions, but rather identifying trends on the daily ... and then working on the ts...

we have the same task. I also identify the trend and then check every day whether it has changed or not. It's not the most perfect technique - I can't tell when it's going to end.


I've seen the indicator for a long time - it's not bad for intraday work (a reminder) .......but we need a 20-30 year history of the macro-eco-indicator...

what to think - you have to try it - if you are coding, you can pull it from the rbc...
...go easy on it...

Thanks for the tip, but it's very complicated with all countries and many indicators. Then somehow everything must be put in sync in BP with my spatial reasoning. It is certainly a good thing, but I have a gloomy picture so far, and this China pulls such tricks that you do not know what you can expect from them tomorrow:))
how are the results on lower ff? (if anything was done - attach a screen for interest)
Write some interesting section in your history, time frame and currency pair. No more than 10 candles or it will take a long time to count.

"Fear not, fear not")))


I am impressed by your dedication to researching changes in market prices. I'm like that myself. I am happy to take note of your methods. But I cannot create new indicators or means of price behaviour detecting, because divergences kill our aspirations to penetrate into the mysteries of price behaviour. I understand that we need FA, TA, MM and something else, on which we must constantly work to achieve certain goals.

The analysis of macroeconomic statistics of countries to me is a very important factor in determining the price trend, but how to connect these statistics with RARE which plays an important role in price behavior and creates these divergences on charts?