Found the talent - page 18

It will pass.
What will pass? Nothing will pass. People like you can only criticize and flub. You are nothing of substance. I am amazed at people like you who can only criticize and you are nothing. Or am I wrong?
Or am I wrong?


A talented trader does not care about the size of the deposit.

One has to be able to hear constructive criticism.

What will pass? Nothing will pass. People like you can only criticize and flub. You are nothing of substance. I am amazed at people like you who can only criticize and you are nothing. Or am I wrong?

Of course you are, you're d'Artagnan and everyone around you is a pathetic and insignificant person .... ;))



A talented trader does not care about the size of the deposit.

Constructive criticism must be heard.

Psychologically, it is important. $30, $100 I don't consider a deposit.

Of course you're right, you're d'Artagnan and everyone around.... is pathetic and insignificant ;))

Jokes again and as always on point zero! People who always react negatively to every new topic created is already a disease. I'm not insulting you, but you'd better get some treatment uncle and first of all learn how to do something yourself and only then teach others.
Jokes again and as usual zero on the point! People who always react negatively to every new topic created is already a disease. I'm not insulting you, but you'd better get some treatment uncle and first of all learn how to do something yourself and only then teach others.
It's an outrage!
Psychologically, it is important. $30, $100 I don't consider a deposit.

I consider myself a talented trader... but I need a good deposit for my trading...
Not a trader.
..but I need a good depot for my trade.

Used to know him, now he's loading bricks on a building site.

Psychologically, it is important. I don't consider $30, $100 a deposit.
Bet on micro-real and if you are a talented trader even $10 there they are equivalent to $1000 and this is already a quite acceptable sum. )
Bet on micro-real and if you are a talented trader you can get $10 there and it's the equivalent of $1000 and that's already a reasonable amount. )

For a talent micro? not kosher at all :))