Found the talent - page 23

Yes, two weeks is not long enough. But I don't see the point in dragging out the selection for months and years. Plus, the stats from previous periods are considered. So the picture will be less clear.

here we go:)

You better hurry up, otherwise only 3 out of 9 will stay, i.e. the chance is already not great in the range of 30%.

ZS: you can take part as well as north29, chances will double ;)


here's where to start:)

not clear. what is the 2 week exam? the application for the "talent search" does not say anything about an exam

You better hurry up, otherwise only 3 out of 9 will stay, i.e. the chance is already not great in the range of 30%.

SZZ: you can take part as well as north29, chances will double ;)


God willing, 31 will come:)


I don't get it. What's the 2 week exam? The Talent Search application doesn't say anything about an exam.

i don't know, it's important for me to set up my tech work...

I don't understand. What's the 2 week exam? The Talent Search application doesn't say anything about an exam.

Do you think Nikolai is an idiot? Just saying I'm a talent will be enough for him? There's even a 3-year state (truth from the tester) did not inspire confidence, and rightly so, I would not even consider less than 3 months, and you about 2 weeks ...

It's like a new show starting - "In the Hatchery!".



Yes, it's a deal! There was a gap in the GBPUSD quotes at 10:29 on the BC B...oko, which caused the order not to close where it should and the slippage on the stop-loss was more than 30pp.

What do you think, colleagues? Is it normal? Techsupport says it is OK, it should be so. I am complemented by the reply from the support team:

[14:05:27] BroCo | Technical Support: The processing of your stop loss order got caught in the slippage caused by the news movement on GBPUSD pair. Due to the fact that according to the order execution rule stop-loss orders after activation get to the general request queue and are executed at the first price available at the moment of finishing processing, the final closing price of the position differs from the price specified in the order.

The black horizontal line in the picture below is the stop level. Minutes.



Yes, it's a deal! There was a gap in the GBPUSD quotes at 10:29 on the BC B...oko, as a result of which the order did not close where it should and the slippage on the stop-loss was over 30pp.

What do you think, colleagues? Is it normal? Techsupport says it's ok, it should be.

For this brokerage company it is "normal" as it happens often and Techsupport says "it's OK, it should be. For most others, I think not. I have not had a gap, the price was exactly 1.6182 at 10-30, by the way, you can check it on my account. And what do you not like about my brokerage house?


Yes, it's a deal! There was a gap in the GBPUSD quotes at 10:29 on the BC B...oko, as a result of which the order did not close where it should and the slippage on the stop-loss was over 30pp.

What do you think, colleagues? Is it normal? Techsupport says it's ok, it should be.

Get used to it. Stops they by definition slide towards the DC sometimes.