Found the talent - page 27

This is unbelievable. If a thread is deleted, it is irrevocably for the forum. It is said that something can usually be found in the saved search engine cache.
The web archive can be used to restore an entire site, not just a branch.
is it possible to browse your personal details?

On the first floor of the mansion Victor Niederhoffer and his team of traders work at wooden desks in two rooms connected by a door. Niederhoffer is known for hiring young and exceptionally talented traders and teaching them the art of market play, encouraging them to develop their own trading strategies. What is happening in his office reminds more of the work of a scientific laboratory than of a traditional trading firm.


The rest of the team tests ideas with funds in a $50-million account, part of the personal fortune Victor Niederhoffer has made through fortunate investments.

Same approach to talent acquisition.

...The same approach to finding talent.
What an experience! A man like that is not afraid of entrusting the last of his money.

When the markets crashed, Victor Niederhoffer lost everything overnight - a $130 million fund and almost all of his own savings. Life seemed to have dealt him a crushing blow, but he managed to work his way up for a second time...

Victor Niederhoffer mortgaged his house and sold his antique silver collection at Sotheby's. His colleagues deserted him; he became a Wall Street pariah, the object of scornful ridicule and gossip. When he entered a restaurant, whispers began to circulate around him. Niederhoffer was totally depressed and didn't know what to do. He was so used to having many things done for him that at first he couldn't even find his own kitchen. His sister Diane, a psychiatrist, sent him a list of 10 symptoms of clinical depression and he found every single one of them. The family seriously feared Niederhoffer would commit suicide, and someone was constantly watching him when he was alone. For a while he escaped his depression by reading novels and also by electronic self-made...
Victor Niederhoffer says he "rose from the ashes" a different person...
Nevertheless, Niederhoffer has not lost his passion for risk, for which his colleagues say he has an uncanny tolerance.

He seems to have flopped on selling naked puts.

On the first floor of the mansion Victor Niederhoffer and his team of traders work at wooden desks in two rooms connected by a door. Niederhoffer is known for hiring young and exceptionally talented traders and teaching them the art of market play, encouraging them to develop their own trading strategies. What is happening in his office reminds more of the work of a scientific laboratory than of a traditional trading firm.


The rest of the team tests ideas with funds in a $50 million account, part of a personal fortune Victor Niederhoffer has made through fortunate investments.

Same approach to finding talent.

it is very easy to look for talent with a 50 million account - most talent comes in on its own, and the choice is from the best.
but as the topicstarter, looking for talent with a thousand (even a few tens of thousands) - either the talent is still working for himself b) or a failed talent c) or a novice amateur or d) is testing his strategy (30% can fool around) - at this point hoping to make money is fooling yourself

Hello, everyone.

The selection of contestants is over. Thank you all.

Talent, let us know how you are doing?
I started looking for talent myself, which is not an easy thing to do.
I started looking for talent myself, which is not an easy thing to do.
You became an investor?