Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 73


Here (emphasis added):

Yes, Yusuf burns all the same as before. I wanted to post that quote in the annals myself! How many more raw truths we have yet to learn! How many more pages of annals will be written thanks to our Yusuf!
yosuf 14.07.2012 14:11
Man, come on, what you guys are doing is nothing but perverted thechanalysis. Stop criticising the analysis, there is a lot more to it than just the standard terminal indices.
It's like slamming your parents, everyone grew up on TA and FA.
There. Highlighted by me.

anonymous 18.07.2012 13:44


What is probability?

A countably additive normalised measure given on a sigma algebra of all possible subsets of the set of elementary events.



Transferred here so everyone can memorize, memorize, memorize .....


Here (it's happening over the weekend):

вопрос хочу заработать деньги


Chart does not move, when creating a new order the market is closed


By the way, on many planets the human language is considered a virus... here


emotraid 27.07.2012 08:52

I'm not a coward, you are. I'm not afraid to look the terminal in the face and make my own decisions.)

Wow!!! Thank you! I almost peed my pants! Wiping away the tears, can't stop laughing!!!
Wow!!! Thank you! I almost peed my pants! Wiping away the tears, can't stop laughing!!!
You're lucky. You're close, I'm almost there.