Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 74

Sassans pisons ))

A question for the head of the codebase! Last post of the page.

" Question for the CodeBase manager. I sent 3 publications there (plus 3 in English). One of them was sent there on 18th of July and has not been published. In the beginning, when I sent the codes there, they appeared within 3-4 days. Now it is not clear if new ones will be published or not. I would like to know if, for example, the material is weak and in the opinion of the supervisor they should not shove them into CodeBase, then I would get any message that they will not appear and then, for example, will be removed from the application? If I knew they would not be published, I would prepare the publication differently, more extensively. Is there any average waiting time for publication?"


I'm not going to leak anything!!! Because I've leaked enough in the past.




Every thought should start with a literature round-up...................


I got banned for part of that rant. I will hope the FAA is more authoritative his post will remain

faa1947 10.08.2012 16:38
Here they're PRing the world's most humane Russian court, which isn't trying the girls for their sex acts, but for asking the Virgin Mary to banish Putin. And don't be too hot on the subject of wretchedness, no one knows how they judge you yet. Many brilliant creative careers have been marked by unorthodox actions, which has not prevented them from realising their talent.
I don't know their work, but I've seen the trial. It's cooler than an action in a museum :))

Guys, come to your senses!

We are THE GREAT NATION. Russian culture was the crown of world culture until the end of the 20th century. Remember OUR artists, composers, artists, scientists, philosophers and technicians, and now the greatest public interest is:

the backside of sex instead of love lyrics,

instead of paintings by Russian Itinerants - a penis on a bridge for which they gave a state prize

intercourse in public places.

the abominable self-propaganda of self-promoting girls.

What amazes me the most is the lack of translation of the band. Why don't you all write: "we support rebellious vaginas"! Show your posts translated into Russian to your wives, daughters, mothers, mother-in-laws just women you know and tell them about the struggle against Putin.

Let's translate the letter of the great socialist cultural figures. The headline: "In support of rebellious vaginas", and underneath the caption: "Liya Akhedzhakova".

We can only hope that the current bacchanalia is a boundary beyond which our society will not fall and begin to rise.

Kueper: Tradin?! What is it for and what does it serve? Can I help myself by trading? How much will I owe the bank if I take a loan? Why is this still a problem? Answer me!!!

RekkeR 15.08.2012 19:44

There are so many useful things around that life can become useless in the pursuit of usefulness ))))

Great quote!




Of the books I recommend:

"The Grailmaker's Notes",

"Kosher Stop".

"How to sit through 14 figures or more."

They're all true.




