Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 53


From the same place :
For example there was a big drop in equity and the deposit didn't drop at all.

I hate to abuse brackets, but nowhere in the documentation is the priority of operations specified.


Well the day is not a day))))

USD 19.02 . 2012 09 : 07 which forex program has a stop and reversal?


Engineer Garin's Paraboloid:

Svinotavr: Локи - это штука противоречивая. Штука, которую бояться многие, даже профессиональные трейдеры. Но, на мой взгляд, настоящий профессионал должен уметь работать с локами, если он этого не умеет, то какой же он профессионал? Уверен, что настоящего профессионала локи никак испугать не могут.

Not to confuse the author of the post with Svinozavr, they are two big differences!

Engineer Garin's Paraboloid:

Not to confuse the author of the post with Svinozavr, they are two big differences!

Try to understand that today Svinotavr andSvinozavr are not even two big differences, and that there simply cannot be a comparison. )))
valenok2003: Try to understand that today Svinotavr andSvinozavr are not even two big differences, and that there is simply no comparison. )))
Sergey, thank you very much!

Swinosaurs don't like it here.

Debatable. But respectful at the very least.

Five people have already asked if I'm Petrovic. I've already had it.

You'd be treated very differently. I guess it would.

But one thing I do realise is that the Swinosaurs don't like it here.

From the mere fact that you "understand", one can conclude that there is much to understand.

Guys, it's just the Annals here, no discussion is desirable.

Svinotavr: А в другой теме Алексей вообще написал, что гравитации нет :))

I invited you and you didn't want to.

Reshetov 2012.03.02 09:08| #

A classic dramatisation. A kind of soap opera script outline called "Renat also cries".

The main character. Name's Renat. Businessman and respectable man, representative of the bourgeoisie class, a globalist. Has a cellular phone. Leads a healthy lifestyle. Sportsman, honest family man, member of the party "United Russia" since 1939, etc. etc. Pays his taxes honestly and sleeps well. He is the owner of an international software corporation that develops software for kitchen brokers.

Antihero. Last name Reshetov. Trader-pest, representative of the class of deadbeats. Anti-globalist. Unhealthy lifestyle. He is engaged in dishonestly stealing money from the main character's clients by implementing malicious bots (Expert Advisors) on their servers, hacking into quotation generators and thus predicting price behavior. He does not have a mobile phone, as he can be tracked on this very mobile phone.

A presentation for the company's clients is in full swing. The main character with a microphone in his hands describes the benefits of the MetaTrader 5 platform to those present in the auditorium. "The main slogan comes from his lips: "Optimize and Lead. Clients are happy, applauding and cheering. The presentation comes to a successful conclusion. Renat enters his office, he is happy and satisfied. He sits down at his computer. A message appears on the screen from an unknown user nicknamed Reshetov offering to post some kind of article on the company's website. The GM agrees, posts the article and wants to pay the fee by direct money transfer to the author. But Reshetov asks to place the fee in the company's internal payment system, supposedly to buy bots in the marketplace and pay for cloud computing. An unsuspecting Renat complies with the author's request.

Reshetov, at this time, along with his lawyer accomplice, after reading an article on the site and knowing that the protection of the payment system on the site s easy to bypass using any mobile phone, remotely access the server and using the left mobile phone, steal money from users. Having divided the loot, they split up, one to a beer house, the other to mind his own business - to advise the bandits on how to avoid legal punishment.

A software company. All the employees work amicably, to the cries of the civilian minder: "The sun is still high!". A secretary bursts into GG's office screaming: "We have an emergency!". Renat turns on his computer and sees that Reshetov has made a fuss on the forum, claiming that his money had been stolen by intruders, since he allegedly never had a mobile phone and nevertheless, all the funds have been withdrawn from his account. GM urgently convenes a meeting which unanimously at the sight of the invigilator adopted a salutary resolution: the money stolen from users' accounts should be recovered from the company, and consequently the employees should not even bring up their salaries. The company's honour is saved.

But the anti-hero does not calm down and gets on the company's server and bans himself. In order to make yet another fuss he registers on the forum under different nicknames through a left proksytnik and posts on it false messages stating that the company not only failed to compensate for the loss but was even banned when they tried to demand compensation.

The protagonist tries to clear up the misunderstanding, removes the antihero's ban and posts on the forum:


What makes you think he was banned? His accounts are alive.

A very effective dramatisation technique called: "Aha, gotcha, you son of a bitch!". Don't roll the dice on the white and fluffy, the protagonist has to have trumps up his sleeve.

The anti-hero has been relentless and is once again posting on the forum under someone else's nickname:


You are lying here. Personally have seen Reshetov banned on both the 5 and 4.

It was by mistake, it was sorted out straight away in the morning.


In fact, he insulted everyone and everything.

Well, it's clear even to a drunken hedgehog, because according to the laws of the genre, that's what the anti-hero should do.


He was offered easy ways to withdraw money and he disappeared and did not respond.

A shot of company employees trying to reach Reshetov on his mobile phone.


Perhaps he realized that he had committed public suicide.

The town's leader thinks for us as it is his direct duty to think for everyone and to speak for everyone. He is a good hero, hence he does good deeds for which instead of gratitude he only gets spat upon.


But he wants a different result - something to do with psychological issues.

Again, Renat thinks for us.


We, for our part, worked patiently with him, waited, suggested a simple way to solve the problem.

Well, yes, because the company compensated all the victims.

Is the article dead? No more article?

This is the author's wish.

Once again, Renat thinks for us, which only embellishes the GG. But, there's some inconsistency in the storyline here. Because if the anti-hero has committed some sort of suicide, disappeared and doesn't respond, yet his wishes somehow become known to the protagonist? But this only adds more intrigue to the soap opera. And there has to be a way to get out of it. On the other hand, there is a choice of how the story is to be told, so that the audience can understand where the main character is coming from about the antihero's wishes:

  1. GG has telepathic abilities. The option is not bad, but not interesting for the audience, because in this case, the main character can easily calculate all the moves of the anti-hero and, therefore, no drama can be created.
  2. The GG appeals to a fortune-teller or a shaman, and those stoned on hashish, tapping a tambourine and looking into a crystal ball, see and tell us about Reshetov's treacherous schemes.
  3. GM hires a private detective and he unravels the underbelly. Too overused, and besides the hero turns out to be some detective, and it is desirable that this was the main character.
  4. Reshetov left a suicide note before his public suicide

This is bullshit and this is bullshit and that is bullshit. The storyline here is clearly lame.

We need something more exotic. For example, a saucer with aliens lands in front of the company office. The brothers come to the office of the GU, notified in advance of the visit by SMS and say that among the Earthlings there is a malevolent figure who is an intergalactic wanted, the surname Reshetov. His task is to introduce a malicious code in computers on Earth. This same code will destroy the world's economy, undermine globalization and all the money will flow into accounts anti-hero. Urgent measures must be taken before Reshetov has time to carry out his insidious plan and gain world domination. According to the latest information, the malicious code of the anti-hero is somewhere in the office of the company.

G.G. orders his employees to urgently search for the vcode. All, including a cleaning lady, get the aliens' sensors and start crawling around the office with them on their hands and knees, looking for it in all corners. Eventually everyone moves to one place - the company's server.

The GG thanks his brothers in mind and invites them to stop by when they have money and says goodbye. He convenes a corporate meeting. Agenda: The location of the malicious code is localized, now how to find it on the server and destroy it? The meeting lasts for three days and three nights. Tired from sleepless nights, GM gets a brilliant idea: the malicious code is in Reshetov's article! He turns on the server and the code is indeed there, in the text of the article as well as in the attached file. Renat presses the "Delete" button and an inscription appears: "Are you out of your mind? Do you really want to delete the article? (Y/N)". The DG's hand reaches for the "Y" button, but then:

- Everybody hold still. Hands on your head. Anybody who stumbles will be shot immediately. - An armed Reshetov and a lawyer entered the office. They put a muzzle to Rosh's head. - slowly lower the keyboard to the floor and kick it in our direction.

The secretary screams. Rosh drops his glasses and can't see a thing. The minder hides in the john and locks himself in.

The GG wants to press the keypad, but he feels sorry for Rosh. He puts the keyboard on the floor and kicks it towards Reshetov. The anti-hero picks up the keyboard and shoves it into his groin. Together with the lawyer and Rosh-em, he tries to leave the office. Here Starikov rushes at the lawyer like a cat, knocks the gun out and engages in an unequal fight. The GG grabs the monitor and throws it at Reshetov. A martial arts brawl ensues, resulting in the lawyer being shot and Reshetov being mauled with the monitor. And the motionless bodies of the anti-heroes, liberally sprinkled with ketchup, lie lifeless on the floor. The GG takes out from behind Reshetov's sinus a keyboard and reaches for the button. Reshetov opens one eye still drenched in ketchup and reaches out for the gun lying on the floor, grabs it and shoots him in the shoulder of the GG. Oldkov finishes off the anti-hero with a well-aimed shot.

Rosh finds the glasses, puts them on, and lifts the wounded G.G. off the floor. Renat, moaning in pain, finally presses the unfortunate button. The lawyer and Reshetov's bodies anihilate. Starikov takes some duct tape and tapes the secretary's mouth shut. The squealing stops. The minder emerges from the latrine, zipping up his fly. The whole company laughs and taps each other on the palms of their hands.

The world economy is saved! The Greeks dance the lezginka at the Acropolis with the police, who have been beating them up so far. Merkel and Sarkozy hug and kiss, a wedding date has already been set. Obama turns white like Michael Jackson.
