Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 59


Rejoice, your attempt to drive me here has succeeded admirably.
In a year's time, you'll be more confident about who you're dealing with.

No one forced you to come here. It's karma, you have to work it off.

No, every post is another pearl...

You want proof? Then I repeat the question or the request: Please, on the history since 2004, choose any year to start trading, and choose any year to end trading, this "18" will show you a profit
Who else is it or what?
yosuf: on history since 2004, pick any year to start trading and pick any year to end trading, this "18" will show you a profit

Already seen it. Almost lost it the other day, had to cut back.

yosuf: who or what is this?
Google banned you? Even I'm not lazy. Except where to get the full South Park series...
All of it. Didn't watch it at the time, but would like to now.
I highly recommend watching in the original with subtitles, translation loses a lot).
alsu: I highly recommend watching it in the original with subtitles, translation loses a lot))

Very curious, thank you.

FAQ: It's long, where can I upload it to you ?

Yeah on toughbummer at How much does it weigh? With subtitles or translation?


Already seen it. Almost drained recently, had to refill.

Google banned you? Even I didn't bother. Except where to get the full South Park series...
In a nutshell, what's the show about?
yosuf: In a nutshell, what is the show about?
Did Google banned you?
Have you been banned by Google?

You're being provocative.) - " In a nutshell, who is this Google? "