Conversation with a trader - page 36


The topic is definitely super useful. True, they wrote a lot today, but all to the point. I've found out a lot of new things: who is a trader, what is Forex, how the price is formed, how do they take a half-point from it on the way to retail buyers and thus create a spread that is not available on the interbank (or market), and much more... But there are still unanswered questions, for example, according to Slavic's definition:

Slava, so if I buy quotes from eSignal, Reuters or Tenfore and sell them to you, I become a dealer or a DC, right? And what are you? A trader? But according to your other definition:

I'm getting confused.

I'd better write it all down somewhere so it doesn't slip out of my thick skull (((

2 different concepts ... A trader at a brokerage house and a trader at a stock exchange... By Forex I mean bank trading and buying quotes from somewhere... for example from a metaquote and trading them with me you are essentially becoming a dealer or a dealing centre for me and by trading on these quotes with you I will become a trader in the familiar sense of a brokerage house trader

Many concepts are mixed up in the topic... e.g. forex and forex secondary to... DTs the words are the same but their meaning is different... a trader on an exchange or in interbank trading and a trader at the same brokerage house... being at the same time an investor in relation to himself.... ... a trader is a person who does technical analysis and performs trading operations at the exchange... at a brokerage house it's an investor and a trade decision maker ... all in one.... and all in one ... the essence of these words is similar on CDs and exchanges, but the difference in interpretation is still ... the original concept of forex ( forex trading ) compared to what we - traders of a CD have two big differences ... in the first case, it's an interbank market ... and the second, it's a market operator ... and the third, it's a trader ... so let's treat it differently. the first is interbank exchange and the second is cockroach races and betting on them ... no DTs are able to move the market ... not because of lack of funds ... but because DTs do not trade currency and therefore cannot change the quotes ... they trade in the air ... take bets on price changes ... and as a consequence, all the traders in the world from DTs even united can not do it ...(The reason is that they do not give you any leverage ... Simply because they do not give you anything at all ... making a buy or sell bet you are not really buying or selling the currency ... but you are just betting on the probable decline or rise ... while a broker may offer you some leverage ... the real deal is to buy or sell the currency ... but you are just betting on the probable decline or rise ... The difference is that they do not buy or sell the currency ... and the difference is that they do not buy or sell it ... and so on ... so on. With any leverage, the probability that you'll lose a deposit and it will stay in the dealer's account ... with higher leverage even this probability grows ...

The situation is completely different at the interbank... A drunk trader can move the global economy (which has already happened)... and funds can be released... The central bank of any country has virtually unlimited funds... (but this is a matter of insider trading)

Some kind of handicapped gathering in the thread, the crooked one laughing at the lame one. I'm telling you not to touch Slavik, it's inhumane. There wouldn't be so many inane posts. The thread promised to be interesting, and you've made a mess of it.
... The thread promised to be interesting and you've made a nuisance of yourself.
IMHO, such threads most often strike a balance between advertising and flooding, so it's all legitimate.


I want to help you, sometimes you can erase the whole keyboard, but you can't explain everything, especially if a person has just started to learn. Send everyone to look at this page.

If you're not mistaken, the flow turns...turns, it's hard to choose the word (not even into a brook), well, into what we see on the screen, if you use MT4.

Z.U., just thinking when you see it, will start thinking, if the input skoka has a lot, and the output ... what the DC does... and then the next step is to wonder why banks have different quotes, how come they are so stupid. and then go to an accountant and find out what is a debit credit from the bank ... and what they (banks) have to do to make the debit and credit balance...

IMHO, such threads most often strike a balance between advertising and flooding, so it's all legitimate.
Why the balance? It's a shame... blatant flooding...

I want to help you, sometimes you can erase the whole keyboard, but you can't explain everything, especially if a person has just started to learn. Send everyone to look at this page.

hi sergei
why are they balancing? it's a shame... blatant flubber...

You're the one who has made the most noise here, trying to explain things you don't know anything about. All the information on interbank market technology is freely available on the internet, but you were too lazy to even look it up.

You've made more noise than anyone else trying to explain things you don't even know about. All the information on interbank market technology is freely available on the internet, but you were too lazy to even look it up.

If you accuse someone of something (incompetence, for example) do not bother to substantiate your accusations

As for the flooding, I'm just having fun... killing time... and I've mentioned it more than once...

Honestly - I don't give a shit what anyone thinks of me...


The question has been raised as to whether the trader with whom the dialogue in the first two posts of this thread is real. I will tell you about a real trader. I know him since 2007. We are still communicating. This man has been living solely by his trades for years. He gave me his trading system right away. I submitted the whole system, because I had to program it. The system is as simple as a kopeck, but for some reason I did not understand it. Over the years the trading system has changed a lot. Today it is a completely different system. A man is really making money on it and knows that if he does not earn money he will go hungry. The incentive is great.

Now about how good it is.

Having got my hands on this TS I thought that my problems with forex earnings were over. But it wasn't. I only made money as long as I did not deviate from the TS. I entered by wrong signal, or left the market too early, or overestimated the lot, or moved the stop far away, or interfered in the work of an Expert Advisor... In short, I myself was the source of my mistakes. I have left the market with a "broken face" more than once. And what amazed me the most is that after a while I managed to make the same mistakes and incurred losses again. It was because I was in a state of emotional infatuation. These emotions knocked out my brain and my decision was not made with my head... Over time, I started to make fewer and fewer of these mistakes. But until now I happen to forget about them and get hit by "losses" again. The trading system locks the trader into a rigid framework of rules. The rules greatly restrict the freedom of action and are seen by the psyche as imprisonment of the soul in a prison cell. Trying to escape from this captivity, our emotions come to the forefront one more time and take over reason, paralyzing the will. It is not greed, as someone has said here. It is the natural urge for freedom. It is a natural desire to get the maximum result with the least resources. The conclusion I've made for myself based on these observations: a trader must have a good rest. Exactly for the soul, to unleash from time to time everything that was held back and prohibited by the prohibitions. There is only one way to get such a rest - you must fully immerse yourself into "another world" where other rules apply. For someone such a world may be a performance or a movie, for another - fishing, for the third - a trip to another country, for the fourth - fiction, etc...

From time to time this trader showed me his own mistakes and told me the amount of money he had lost by making this or that trading mistake. His mistakes cost him money, and sometimes a lot of money. It was under the influence of such blunders that the trading system underwent its changes.

I cannot say that he is a successful trader - he is not particularly rich. I cannot say that he is a failure, because he lives in Forex, and he has been doing it for many years. He simply works, analyzes and searches. In general, it is possible to be a successful trader. But the way to the "title" is terribly difficult. Sometimes I even think about whether trading is really my thing? I have been trading for more than 5 years, and by my estimation I have lost more than I have withdraw. There is only one thought that prevents me from refusing from Forex. My forex performance this year is better than half of last year. Last year it was better than the year before. I am managing small deposit which is not even 1 dollar. Maybe I can train my mind to strictly follow trading system without deviating a bit?

So I outlined the reality. I told about a real trader, who lives by his trades, about the perception of an effective trading system by a stranger. Some of you here wanted the truth. It is in front of you.