Conversation with a trader - page 35

not a bit

Then forget about the aviso and the definition of aviso you gave ( AlexEro is not on you, he would kill you for that and he would be banned again )

Once again, slowly read the question and slowly step by step, within the framework of the inter-bank construct you have constructed today, begin to answer substantively


If this is the case, forget about vouchers and the definition of vouchers you gave ( AlexEro is not on you, he would kill you for that and you would get banned again).

Read the question again slowly and slowly, step by step, within the framework of the inter-bank construct you have constructed today, begin to answer in essence

Material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.

There are other meanings for this term, see Avizo (meaning).

AVISO(Avizo, Adviz) (Italian) - In banking and commerce, a formal notification of execution of a payment transaction.

It is sent by one counterparty to the other. Banks use the voucher to notify their clients of the debit and credit entries on their accounts, account balance, payment of transfers, issuing a cheque, letter of credit and so on.

What do you think my definition is wrong ?


Misha, if you take it slowly, step by step, within the framework of Slavik's interbank construct today, you get a thriller of sorts...

".. Morning. Overcast London. In a small room with a padlock, sits a bank teller and stares at a monitor with a completely detached look. On the screen there is only one window with the swift client (the dealer calls it a terminal for some reason) where MT999 with the quotations of other banks fly in at the speed of 500 messages per second. The dealer studies the market conjuncture (most likely without reading any new message)..."

To be continued...


Material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

There are other meanings for this term, see Aviso (meaning).

Aviso(Aviz, Adviz) (Italian) - in banking and commercial practice, an official notification about the fulfillment of the transaction.

It is sent from one counterparty to another. Banks use the advise (advice) to inform their clients about the credit and debit entries on their accounts, account balance, payment of transfers, issuing a cheque, opening a letter of credit, etc.

What did I do wrong?

I told you to stay off the wikipedia.

Imagine that you are a legal entity with an account at bank B. You have enough available funds in the account and decide to pay a supplier's invoice for one thousand rubles from Uryupinsk to Moscow.

You instruct the bank to transfer the np, with a payment order, (there were also payment requests), the bank accepted and accepted the payment, but it is not certain that the money will reach the supplier,

MFO is an interbank application, a level of the ocean, where the bank sends your money and the recipient's bank can take it and confirm the transfer has the right to send the money to the ocean.

So, don't bullshit me and tell me the truth, step by step.


not at all

let's say I'm Russia, you're America and the ruble is the currency... I have your dollar at 30 rubles, you have 20... but you and I also have rubles... naturally, I'll buy your shares at 20 and sell them to my customers at 30 instead of selling them mine

But I'm not the only buyer... and at some volume you will have a surplus of rubles... which will become cheaper and the dollar will in turn become more expensive in rubles... I, on the contrary, will have a surplus of greenbacks and therefore they will become cheaper... ...rates will change for both you and me...

and there are a lot of such transactions with different currencies... that's how rates change depending on supply and demand...

As the process of price formation is unpredictable (supply and demand), he accepts buy and sell bets from his traders ... As the secondary Forex market is highly volatile, the problem of high and low prices is beyond my control ... ... this is a secondary Forex, and since only 3-5% of all traders do not lose their deposits, they live comfortably ...


Misha, if you take it slowly, step by step, within the framework of Slavik's interbank construct today, you get a thriller of sorts...

".. Morning. Overcast London. In a small room with a padlock, sits a bank teller and stares at a monitor with a completely detached look. On the screen there is only one window with the swift client (the dealer calls it a terminal for some reason) where MT999 with the quotations of other banks fly in at the speed of 500 messages per second. The dealer studies market conditions (most likely without reading any of the new messages)..."

To be continued...

the thriller began with drama, Ritchie writing the questions and answering them himself, ( front page )

we have drama, thriller, comedy.

I'm gonna go sit this one out in Humor.)


So I am bank A, you are bank B.

We're tied by unclear nets, but we're tied

there are no bid and ask prices on our terminal, there is only one price, 1.25856

I wouldn't mind buying euros for quid.

You want to sell euros for quid

what is your future scenario, what are we looking at? what are we doing?

Specifically please

may i have a little bit of a scenario? i can't sleep anyway

so i am bank B and i want to sell you euros

The price is 1.2585.

I have $10 to sell.

shaking my head, I move the keyboard to me and I type in a new price 1.2586 and the volume of 1 dollar into the client and send my request to you (bank A)

Bank A is happy with the price and you take 1 quid

Yup, I think the process has started, I rub my hands and I enter the new price 1.2587 and the volume 1 quid into the client and I send my request

Bank A took 1 quid

I'm entering the price 1.2588 - 1 quid, I'm sending the request.

Bank A took

(we have a trend)

I entered a price of 1.2589 - 1 quid, sent enquiry to ....

Bank A did not know how much I wanted to sell and did not want to drive the price up to the sky.

All right, I'm gonna cut it a little bit. I'm gonna put in 1.2588 - 1 quid and send it in.

Bank A took it.

I'm gonna put in a price of 1.2588 - 1 quid, I'm gonna send in a request...

Nope )))) too expensive, ok not a question bo it's still more expensive than the starting price,

I'm gonna put in a price of 1.2587 - 1 quid and send it in...

Bank A took...

(have a correction)

(like this I guess :) )

it's the same as I described ... but from the side (all this happens automatically and at speeds that you couldn't dream of on your staff or even on your ISP) ... it's the process of generating quotes... I just developed the topic further ... how they come to us ... from A and B to us - the DT traders
it's the same as I described... but from the side... it's the process of how the quotes are generated... i just developed the topic further ... how they come to us ... from A and B to us - the traders of DT

of course it's the same, I'm not claiming authorship :)

Mischek wanted to go step by step, well i did a little

i was going for "phantos" while the eu pose :)


The topic is definitely super useful. They have written a lot today, but it's all relevant. I found out a lot of new things: who is a trader, what is Forex, how prices are formed, how do they cut a half-point from it on their way to retail buyers, thereby creating a spread that is not present in the interbank (or market), and so on... But there are still unanswered questions, for example, according to Slavic's definition:

... we trade with dealers... with DTs... with those who buy quotes and resell them to us...

Slava, so if I buy quotes from eSignal, Reuters or Tenfore and sell them to you, I become a dealer or a DC, right? And what are you? A trader? But according to your other definition:


A trader is just an executor... executing the orders of either an operator or a broker... whichever one he works for...

forex... for you and me... traders... it's a stock exchange...

I'm getting confused.

I'd better write it all down somewhere so it doesn't slip out of my thick skull (((