Does the Grail exist? - page 56

Helen >>:

Пропустила что-то. Видимо вызовы надо бросать...
Бросаете, видимо, всё же вы... И весьма самонадеянно. Разве нет? Принимаю вызов. Бес с ним, пусть будет демо. Срок - год. Размер депозита 10 000,0 баков. Два варианта: здесь публикуются пароли или помещаются в мониторинг (естественно, в мой - хоть какой-то навар с этой... акции). В день и час принудительно закрываются все сделки. Закрывает рефери... Хотя, полагаю, "кубок вызова" завершится сам собой... Без рефери.
Интересно, во что это выльется, в рекламу или антирекламу...
Уточняйте условия.

I don't have time to follow it for a year. I'm ready even for a day, a week, a month at the most. Who will make the most %. And why close trades every day? I don't have time to pipsqueak and sit at the monitor all day. I'm taking a big deal. I will say one thing. It does not matter what we trade and how we trade. It's all about timing and profit.

Or let's do it this way. Deposit $100 and see who can raise $10,000 the fastest.
FantasYGold >>:
Или же сделаем так. Депозит 100$ и кто быстрее поднимет до 10000$.


Then you have to go dark. You start with a demo in the same brokerage company. The account number will be announced, but the investment password will be given only at the finish line.


Somebody will get there first.

The MegaQuotes server can be used.


Or on MT5 for example. ;)

Richie >>:

Почти любая ветка заканчивается конфликтом. Вот она, психология слива :)

С большим трудом себе могу представить драку двух-трёх профессиональных трейдеров :)

you wouldn't believe it - in the second half of the nineties, if you walked into a Wall Street bar at 5 or 6 p.m. and mentioned that you were a day trader, you'd get pelted with mugs
back then it was just getting started and the homegrown daytraders were really taking some of the profits from the "floor"
and you say they don't fight - everyone fights for their money

FantasYGold писал(а) >>

I don't have time to follow it for a year. I'm ready even for a day, a week, a month at the most. Whoever makes the most %. And why close trades every day? I don't have time to pipsqueak and sit at the monitor all day. I'm taking a big deal. I will say one thing. It does not matter what we trade and how we trade. What's important is the timing and the profit.

I make a correction "On the day and hour of the final, all trades are forcibly closed."

You see... If you claim to be a trader, why are you suddenly confused about the timing? What difference does it make to you if you trade one demo one year or twelve one each month over the course of a year...? Are six of them really in the plummets? I don't believe it... Well, or don't want to believe it. I'm sure you don't have a single account with a good, long history. Well, so be it. I'm lowering the time limit to six months. Below that, it's not good enough for a trader.

Can I place my bets?
I bet on Helen, her stats are much more impressive than the one on the previous page :)
RomanS писал(а) >>
Can I place my bets?
I bet on Helen, her stats are much more impressive than the one on the previous page :)

I'm on the dark horse-- FantasYGold.

I told you - a competitive fighter.
I don't see any point in such a competition without taking into account the quality factors of the strategy. For DCs such games are interesting because they attract additional clients.
Fantasy, several people have already admitted that your entries are quite accurate. But it is spoiled by low-quality MM and lack of stops.
However, this system has the right to live, if we remember at what rate you are able to recover potentially large losses.
Mathemat >>:
Я ж говорил - конкурсный боец.
... Для ДЦ такие игрульки интересны, т.к. привлекают дополнительных клиентов.

That's why I suggested MT5.

Popularisation and familiarisation for many.


Mathemat писал(а) >>
I told you - a competitive fighter.
I don't see any point in such a competition without taking into account the quality factors of the strategy. For DCs such games are interesting because they attract additional clients.
Fantasy, several people have already admitted that your entries are quite accurate. It all is spoiled by talentless MM.
However, this system has the right to live, if we remember at what rate you can recover potentially large losses.

Alexei... With all due respect... You may not be seeing the main point. The entries there... are not so much random... but correspond only and precisely to the present movement on certain pairs. If the nature of a pair's movement changes - tough minus. Ordinary, elementary trading on market habits over a short period of time.