Does the Grail exist? - page 132

Oper писал(а) >>

Very curious, more details, please. Specifics.

>> It is very simple. I go to to look through the Expert Advisors. I took a closer look at one of them, invested my password, login, etc.
I watched it for a couple of weeks and it increased from $200 to $1M in three weeks. A week after two weeks, the man took it off the market.
it off the market.
So keep selling it. It would be of no use to buyers anyway: no DC would allow itself to be robbed, and at such a rate. At least the seller would have benefited.
lexandros писал(а) >>
I can't get any more specific than that:)
If it's not a glitch of the mind - the owner of this miracle is already buying himself an island in the Caribbean Sea:)

That is why there is no grail. But the state is still there.
hiton >>:

Наблюдал как работает пипсовщик. Его результат с $200 до $1М за три недели. Это грааль ? Или мусор?

I am convinced, based on today's results - it may well be true, what I called a hundred posts ago "a shift in quotations in relation to time" - here on this forum is called a correlation :))))))
So, today I see this correlation (well, not really a correlation as it is considered, but pairs NZD,AUD,CAD,GBP) the whole day, well, now, according to my prediction, I'm pipsing at Alpari
but i'm just learning :)

i do not know how the super copyist adjusted his grail, tomorrow the correlation will be different
Mathemat писал(а) >>
So keep selling it. It would be of no use to the buyers anyway: no DC would allow itself to be robbed, and at such a rate. And at least the seller would have benefited.

I asked to remake it for brokerage company I work with. I did not buy it. I offered him double price if he would redo it.
hiton >>:

Потому и грааля нет. А стейт то остался.

Oh my god... how many naive Albanians there are :) don't take it personally...
Anyone here can build a similar state in a couple of hours...
You take a standard martin, you optimize it in a certain area... and I guarantee it will give you such astronomical profits that it will make your hair stand on end...
I've already posted a similar stat in another thread...
In one year it went from 1000 - increased to such obscene numbers that they don't even have a name... something with 12 zeros in it...
All these stats are just to get someone to buy it... for 10 quid or whatever the seller was asking for.)
Do you really think that if someone has a similar TS, or Expert Advisor - he / she will sell it? where's the logic? why would he need those 10/100/1000 quid, if he can make millions with the same TS?
all EAs that are sold for money are nothing more than a scam of suckers... It's an axiom.
lexandros >>:

Неужели вы думаете, что если у кого-нибудь есть подобная ТС, или советник - он ее/его будет продавать? где логика? зачем ему эти 10/100/1000 баксов, если он с помощью той же ТС может нарубить миллионы???
все советники которые продаются за деньги - не более чем развод лохов... Это аксиома.

I totally agree about EAs! - It's impossible to write an indicator and an EA that will work in all trading sessions and in different seasons of the year,
But you could argue about the TS :)
IgorM >>:

насчет советников согласен на все сто! - невозможно написать индюк и советник, который будет работать на всех торговых сессиях и в разные сезоны года,
а вот насчет ТС можно еще поспорить :)

What's there to argue about? If you know such a TS - will you really sell it??? especially for some ridiculous money that such sellers usually ask for...
like $10 in web money... And of that $10, they pay another 20 percent to the shop they're selling it through.
Even if it's $1,000...
Can you explain the logic?
Why sell it when you can just earn it with the same TS... No money for the depo???? funny... if the TS is profitable - it is always possible to find money for the initial deposit... In the end - take a loan... thank god, there is no problem with that now... Go to any bank with two papers and in an hour you will come out with 10K quid in your pocket...
So it's all nonsense... No one will ever sell a truly profitable TS. Because it makes no sense...
What they can post for free is easy... even in this forum, or in the same cotbase... I believe in that... But I do not believe in selling profitable TS/advisors...
lexandros >>:

Да о чем спорить то? если вы знаете такую ТС - неужели вы будете ее продавать??? тем более за какие то смешные деньги, которые обычно просят подобные продавцы...
типо 10 долларов на вебмани... причем из этих 10 долларов, еще 20 процентов они отбашляют магазину, через который это чудо продается
Да даже если и 1000 долларов просят...
Вот можете объяснить логику???
Зачем это продавать - если можно просто это заработать с помощью той же ТС... Нет денег на депо??? смешно... если ТС прибыльная - всегда есть возможность найти деньги на начальное депо... В конце концов - кредит взять... Слава богу, сейчас с этим нет проблем... иди в любой банк с двумя документами и через час выйдешь с 10К баксов в кармане...
Так что глупость все это... Никто и никогда не станет продавать рельно прибыльную ТС. ибо это лишено всякого смысла...
То что бесплатно могут запостить - запросто... даже на этом форуме, или в той же котобазе... В это вполне верю... А вот в продажу прибыльных ТС/советников - не верю

I can't even explain why? The story about dishonest brokerage houses is nonsense, so take turns between different brokerage houses, etc.
I agree here - selling even for 1k is nonsense!
IgorM >>:

... история, про нечестные ДЦ - чушь...

Even if they are honest three times over, they don't have that kind of money to feed the graffiti man. It is easier to block him and continue fulfilling obligations to standard clients.

This is not a question of honesty, but the feasibility of the contractual relationship.

Looks like the whole branch went on a trip to Kaschenko today. :-)))) and they say it's contagious. :-0))

Meanwhile, the contestants are silent about the board of honour at the monitoring. Who has a sign that corresponds to reality. They neither confirm nor deny. And there are interesting guys, it seems. Topikstarter on his demo, looks pretty chipper. Man, and the silence, ...