Does the Grail exist? - page 123

leman >>:

А Вы им сказали, что Вы про них задумали. Они наверно не в курсе, а если бы знали, то непременно по Вашим задумкам пошли. :))

I had an indicator telepathising with them about where to go to keep the process scientific... and they seem not to share his opinion on the matter :))

leman >>:

Математиком нельзя "быть" :)

Not really. You have to become a mathematician first and then you have to give up all that maths all at once... That's the secret to billionaire success!!! :))

Svinozavr >>:

Садитесь - два.))) Канал предполагает две границы - где в MACD они???

The oscillator's level lines are the borders of the channel, and these borders are immediately displayed numerically on the scale, you don't have to choose oscillator parameters to be sure of anything, you can immediately see how many points the price deviates from the average, with a fast period of "1".

What is the analogue of the average in the oscillator channel? - it's not a mystery and it's not a question, the question is what's the point of this channel.

Have you tried to get this channel in its pure form on a price chart? Since if you haven't tried it, I don't understand your fondness for it.

Stochastic is a simplified version of macd in my opinion, although the formula in it is quite different, but stochastic has significant limitations in particular and from a scientific point of view.

Leave me without the pleasure of reading your hmm... considerations, OK?

So in "school" terms it means: "What, you don't get it, you've already been sent?"
I was hoping for more dignified behavior on your part.
Svinozavr писал(а) >>

.... Aha. TA doesn't work! ...

Weird, everything seems to be working. Could the conservatory be tweaked?
Andrei01 >>:

Не совсем. Нужно сначала стать математиком и потом на всю эту математику разом забить... Это секрет успеха милиардеров!! :))

Well "scored", and everything they taught must have been forgotten too. Or what?

Andrei01 >>:

А где про лженауку было сказано? Просто написано шо человек бросил математику и занялся бизнесом... шоб менять шило на мыло...

ну и результат соответствующий... хотя когда он еще математиком был и ею занимался он тоже далеко не последним дураком был, но милиардов не смог заработать. :) Вывод напрашивается сам.

Andi, you don't get it. The guy dropped out of maths not because it sucks, but because he's sick of working for his uncle. It's impossible to fall out of love with maths.

And now his fund, using much more maths than Wall Street, has been making profits for his clients for who knows how many years.

Svinozavr >>:

Индикатор показывает то, что есть "при сейчас", в данный кол времени.

А я, например, жду, когда мне Ишимоку пива нальет. Вот жду, жду...

Well, that's what I'm saying. :)

If there's no beer 'now', does that tell you whether there will or won't be any in the future?

Andrei01 >>:

Ну дык я о том же. :)

Если индикатор показывает шо пива "сейчас" нет, то это разве как говорит о том будет или не будет оно в будущем?

That's what they're telling you, you won't know if the indicator has a beer or not

leman >>:

Ну "забили", и все что учили тоже видимо забыли. Или как?

Everything you don't need is naturally forgotten, and what you do need is remembered or learned. :)

You don't have to learn anything unnecessary... just the stuff you need to know. :)

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

Well, that's what I'm saying. :)

If there's no beer "now," does that tell you whether there will or won't be any in the future?

There will be beer in the future! In 0.33 cans, but there will be!