Avalanche - page 338

lasso писал(а) >>

And why delete posts?

Oh, this is all so ugly and disgusting.

It's like grown-ups....

And this is not the first time!

25.05.2010 in the morning you posted a screenshot, allegedly from the real, with a bunch of pips and not at all Avalanche trades. In the afternoon it was already gone......


When you made mistakes in rocket science, did you also easily pull the blocks or modules you "engineered" back out?

pulled them back?

Be condescending to avalanche-lovers, their brains are sucked out by Siriusians.
ULAD >>:

Такой образованный и так себе позволяет. Стыдно молодой человек. Даже позор. Можешь и меня послать.
It's a shame to be such a stupid, incompetent cattle like these people.
rumata1984 писал(а) >>
One is ashamed to be a stupid, incompetent cattle like these people.

>> Everyone has their own definition of "ashamed".

One is ashamed when one is seen and the other is ashamed when there is nothing to show for it.

rumata1984 писал(а) >>
It's embarrassing to be such a dumb, clueless cattle like these people.

Ashamed? So change.
lasso >>:

А зачем посты удалять?

Do you know what you lack? You lack independence. A smart man can take a hint. And you want me to do experiments on your orders.

You want screenshots of trades, or, better yet, algorithms of the EA or the EA itself. No, dear, make your own EA and do any experiments with it. GoldTrader has read my posts and quickly created an EA without any questions. And you need to hand out a ready-made solution on a silver platter :-)))

PapaYozh >>:

Стыдно? Ну так изменяйся.

I'm sick of you all with your kindergarten humor. Just sit back and get your own juices flowing. There's basically nothing to talk to any of you about.

Whoever needs it will write to you in person.

Adios, malparidos. :)

Mathemat >>:
JonKatana, этот форум очень ехидный, но справедливый. Здесь почти не бывает индюкаторов, не известных никому из тусующихся.
Notice that there is almost no such thing.
rumata1984 писал(а) >>

There is essentially nothing to talk to any of you about.

>> indeed, "we have different intelligences" (Vysotsky)
PapaYozh >>:

действительно, "интелехты разные у нас" (Высоцкий)
Yes, the goose is no friend of the pig. That's why rumata1984 flew away
nikat97 писал(а) >>
Yes, the goose is no friend of the pig. That's why rumata1984 flew away.

Or did he run away?