Avalanche - page 345

PapaYozh >>:

Нет, нет, это в первую очередь нужно именно Вам, для удовлетворения Его Величества Вашего ЭГО.

А тем кто разрабатывает что-то действительно интересное, как например я, Ваши иллюстрации не нужны.

I have given test results and results from real life, albeit in a short period of time, while you are just making unsubstantiated statements. You can develop a lot of interesting things. But where are the results?
khorosh >>:
Я, то давал результаты тестирования и результаты с реала, хотя и за короткий срок, а у Вас вообще голословные утверждения. Разрабатывать то можно много чего интересного. Но где результат?
Bread in the breadbox, salad in the salad bowl, and the result in the result box.

I suggest we expand the thread by moving the dialogue to the international forum thread

another creation of katana agents, f4u forum

Result ZUN_Hendg_1.mq4

Ordering outfit + bugs and tweaks so far from post 126 in the branch to 137

AAAA epidemic continues :) slil.ru\29213931

It's like having an ATM Debit Card to the World Bank

Note the pound quote, what a long time ago

nikat97 писал(а) >>
I agree, there's a lot of inferiority

>> okay. Whatever you say.....

Let's re-classify (re-categorise) the participants in this thread.

There are only two classes. Which one you have already classified yourself into is already clear....... ))

1) Inferiority complex

2) Incompetence complex.


You guys are all arguing, arguing, arguing over nothing.... What's the point? Catch is working, and it's working great.

Our demo grew from 3,000 roubles to 10,000 in 4 trading days. And no matter what they say, for me it's a great result. We will test it another week to be sure and then go for real trading :)

To be honest, I don't care about all of you. It's a pity..... Human stupidity is infinite.

You have been given a wonderful tool in your hands, explained everything, chewed up, all you have to do is swallow.....

And you keep telling yourself that it's bullshit :) It's funny, honestly :)

Even if the avalanche is draining, so what? If it sinks now or in another month.... What difference does it make now?

3,000-5,000 roubles is quite enough for her to function perfectly :)

This is one of the few EAs when you don't need a large deposit to make it work perfectly. That is, this amount does not need to be increased, but by continuously withdrawing profits, you essentially risk only the account balance, i.e. the initial amount.

And of course, many people think that this is not an avalanche, but it looks like a real avalanche to me. I would not even consider it as an avalanche, but in my opinion it is a real avalanche.

There is no indicators and other unnecessary tools. There are no indicators, no other tricks anybody wants, and it just makes Avalanche a very simple mathematics, that made Avalanche a great machine, which only has to constantly prove its worth.

And all your arguments .... screw you :)


Who do you want to show your tongue to? :)

Galina has moved

baltik писал(а) >>

Who do I show my tongue to? :)

Galina has moved.

My friends !!!

Don't believe it, you can easily find this picture on the Internet.

It's not me !!!!

Really not me !!!


HAHAHAH just remembered

PapaYozh >>:
Хлеб в хлебнице, салат в салатнице, а результат - в результатнице.
No result, I have to make a joke :-))) Let's have it out there, we'll criticize it too :-)))
khorosh >>:
Результата нет, приходится отшучиваться:-))) Давайте выкладывайте, тоже раскритикуем:-)))

I usually show my results to the people I work with.

I only have these results for you and your associates: https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/124482/page333#326234