Avalanche - page 261

lasso >>:

Мартин-Классик с арифметической прогрессией?
Что-то такое было.
И какое соотношение профит/лосс сделок заложить?
Проверьте, если алгоритм верен - прогоню.

I'm not quite sure what your numbers are.

Neighbouring bets differ by 1, or are equal (if the bet is minimal and there was a win)

I.e. for the sequence B-B-P-P-P-B-B-B-... we must get a betting chain 1-1-1-2-3-4-3-4-3-2-...

The first bet is minimal, further the change of size depends only on the deal's result: loss - (+1), winning - (-1). If the stake is minimal and there is a winning, in the next transaction the minimal stake is used again.

Let it be 30000 tests with a profit/loss ratio of 50/50, I would like to look at the balance graph.

lasso >>:

Проверьте, если алгоритм верен - прогоню.

Something like this:

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

I'm not quite sure what your numbers are.

Neighbouring bets differ by 1, or are equal (if the bet is minimal and there was a win)

I.e. for the sequence B-B-P-P-P-B-B-B-... we must get a chain of bets 1-1-1-2-3-4-3-4-3-2-...

The first bet is minimal, further the change of size depends only on the deal's result: loss - (+1), winning - (-1). If the stake is minimal and there is a winning, in the next transaction the minimal stake is used again.

Suppose there are 30000 trials with 50/50 Profit/Loss ratio, I would like to see the balance graph.

That seems to be the way it is.
Grey bar - initial balance = 10000
1) В + 1 = 10001
2) P - 1 = 10000 ; lost bet increased = 2
3) Q + 2 = 10002 ; lost bet decreased = 1
4) Q +1 = 10003 etc.


Ran a few dozens this way, going in heaps, the graph gets cluttered quickly. Selected at my discretion.
Excluding zeros (spread)

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

>> Like this:


Once you win, the balance cannot decrease.
What's the use of winning like that.... )))

lasso >>:

Как-то так:

После выигрыша баланс уменьшаться не может.
Нафиг нужет такой выигрыш.... )))

I thought it was a bet :)

lasso >>:

Вроде все так и есть.
Серая полоска - начальный баланс = 10000
1) В + 1 = 10001
2) П - 1 = 10000 ; проиграли увеличили ставку = 2
3) В + 2 = 10002 ; выиграли уменьщили ставку = 1
4) В +1 = 10003 и т.д. и т.п.

.......... .......... .....

Прогнал таким образом несколько десятков, идут кучно, график быстро захламляется. Отбрал на свое усмотрение.

Thank you!

I had assumed that the balance chart should trend upwards, but it turns out - this is not always the case. Of the 3 presented, only the red one looks like what I assumed.

Guys... gentlemen... girls... guys... I don't know how else to say it... :)
What I was trying to tell you with my post, which I hope you've all read, is that LaBoucher is far more dangerous than classic Martin-Martin-Lokino...
because it's not as addictive, but it's much more immediate and guaranteed... and i'm very happy that intelligent forum members have proven this mathematically, and dispelled another myth about the existence of the so-called "soft martin"
there is no soft martin.
there is recklessness and there is reasonable risk.

These are two sides of the same stick.
On one side of the stick are five percent of traders who eat oil, on the other side are 95% of "soft-solid-hard-slippery-sweet-sweet-bitter-lavin-martino" TCs, which feed the same 5% that I mentioned just above...

Support Katana and A la Einstein... keep on burning... or I won't have anything to put on my Honda with... and that would be unfortunate...

happy avalanches everyone...

By the way,
where is Einstein's great-nephew (aka Lieutenant Schmidt's son)?
He's been gone for 24 hours. )
I don't think he's drunk.
If he will be deprived of his Daesh Prize, for unauthorized avalanche, the poor fellow will get untied. :-(
PapaYozh писал(а) >>

Thank you!
I had assumed that the balance chart should trend upwards, but it turns out - this is not always the case. Of the 3 presented, only the red one looks like what I assumed.

You are silent and I am slowing down.
There's a file directly in the trailer. You can experiment it yourself.
If you find anything interesting, let me know.
And in the topic What is it? the same one, but with Martin-Classic implementation (at the end of the page)

Richie писал(а) >>

There is a dictaphone recording of my lecture that I made, although it is of very poor quality. But I will not give it to anyone, including you. During the lecture, more than half of the lecturers "left" the room. I will not voice the theme of the lecture or there will be such a fuss that this forum will not be happy. Believe me, there are subjects better not to discuss in our society, it is not ready for it.

Your surname is Fomenko-Morozov :) >> They also have "about numbers" :)