[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 19

Swetten писал(а) >>

What does he need engines for? :)

Is it supposed to accelerate the air to create lift? :-)

It has a control system that monitors and adjusts the speed of the web so that the speed of the wheels of the plane is equal to the speed of the web.

Actually this condition is incorrectly worded. The speed of the wheels relative to the web is zero. Always, even when it's conditional asphalt and not a conveyor belt. Not to mention that "speed of rotation" and "speed of motion" are "two big differences". :-)


Alexei is ahead of the curve. :-)

You write very fast. :-)))

Mathemat >>:

Форум мехмата МГУ по высшей математике.

I know that, I mean the limit was as a protection against bots registering. I am asking about this site.

Farnsworth >>:

Юрий, у меня задачка по физике. :о)

Стоит самолет на весах, герметично закрытый. В нем (внутри) летает тонна мух. Никто из мух не садится. Самолет взвесили, эта величина известна. По команде тонна мух садится. Сколько будет весить самолет?

The same amount as weighed initially with the air and flies in the container.

Farnsworth >>:

не взлетит

Aircraft standing on the belt, engine off

The resistance in the bearings is negligible.

And let the conveyor belt run wherever it wants, the aeroplane stays in place.

As soon as we get thrust from the engines, the aeroplane will start to gain speed corresponding to the thrust, no matter what the conveyor belt is doing


My answer: it can take off. The wheels have nothing to do with it at all. The plane is pushed off by jet propulsion or a propeller.

Richie >>:

Мой ответ: сможет взлететь. Колёса тут вообще ни при чём. Самолёт отталкивается реактивной тягой или винтом.

No, it won't take off. The plane takes off because of the under/over pressure difference according to Bernoulli's law.

Farnsworth >>:

Не, не взлетит. Самолет взлетает из-за разности давлений под/над крылом по закону Бернулли.

Yes, but what do the wheels of the plane have to do with it?


The wheels of the plane have absolutely nothing to do with it. They just have to spin faster. And Bernoulli's law doesn't really apply here,

it's the propeller pressure differential or the jet thrust.

Don't confuse a car and an aeroplane. A car is propelled by wheels.
joo >>:

Да, но при чем здесь колеса самолета?

I haven't said anything about wheels yet, but my guess is that the plane just won't get the speed it needs.

(PS: it's a very old problem).

By the way, as for the flies - are you sure? Do they "pressurise the prop or stretch the suspension" during the first weigh-in?