[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 26

Richie >>:
Вы так НЛО изобретёте. А про законы Ньютона забыли?

It's about time they invented one. I looked up the tactical and technical characteristics of a simple UFO on one of those websites - good stuff, though.

PS: well, if 100 passengers (1t) jump on command, will the plane weigh the same? Or will they press on the air, that one on the area and nothing will change?

Flies interact with the air inside the aircraft. The air interacts with the aircraft.

Seryoga, stop joking, or it will be assumed that expert writers are the darkest people.

Distinguish between free fall and flight (flies or aircraft).

Richie >>:

Я серьёзно. Вертолёт "сильно давит". Мне приходилось на МИ-26 летать, офигеть штука. Вес самолёта с вертолётом не будет меняться в зависимости от положения вертолёта. То же самое с мухами будет.

I'm serious too. Referring to experience will not help the problem. Once again: we are not talking about a helicopter, as the airflow from it is too powerful and almost unidirectional (almost however!). We are talking about small flies, of which there are a ton (that's ten million flies at a guess). They are all flying in different directions, flapping their wings. And the disturbance from the wing, even if it flapped strictly downwards, will still not go in a straight column downwards, but will scatter in all directions. The flies are in the gas, not lying flat.

Farnsworth >>:

Давно пора изобрести. Я тут как то посмотрел на одном чеканутом сайте тактико-технические характеристики простенького НЛО - хорошая штука, однако.

PS: ну хорошо, если 100 пассажиров (1т) по команде подпрыгнет, самолет будет в этот момент весить столько же? Или они будут давить на воздух, тот на площадь и ничего не изменится?

It depends on how much acceleration they bounce off the floor of the plane. You get the same thing as in the "fly problem".

Richie >>:
Мухи взаимодействуют с воздухом внутри самолёта. Воздух - с самолётом.

I repeat my question earlier and then answer about the little blimp inside the aeroplane..:

i.e. any hermetically sealed tin can is an insulated system? OK. You've probably seen those big inflatable balloons like this in the commercials:

people climb into them, they're hermetically sealed and they can walk on water, jump and do all sorts of sporty stuff. Let's say a child climbs into such a balloon. He is weighed along with the balloon. And let's say the child jumps up (but in a way that doesn't touch his head). And at the moment of jumping, his whole "closed" system is weighed. Will the weight of this system change?

Mathemat >>:

Юрий, ну мы ж говорим о мухах, а не о вертолете. Они поменьше будут, и возмущения от их крылышек пойдут равномерненько так во все стороны. Тем более что их там целая тонна. Статистика...

if the flies stay in the air, they create a lifting force of a tonne. which acts on the aircraft.

Farnsworth писал(а) >>

PS: well, ok, if 100 passengers (1t) on command jump up, will the plane weigh the same at that moment? Or will they press on the air, that on the area and nothing will change?

Do you remember the laws of conservation of energy and momentum? If the passengers are bouncing, the moment they push off, the plane will go down, not by much

of course, i.e. its weight will go down for a while. When they hover in it (fractions of a second) it will indeed weigh less, but it's not like they're

interact with it, they'll float down. Once they're airborne, the weight of the plane will increase again and return to its original state.

Yurixx >>:

Серега, кончай прикалываться, а то будет считаться, что экспертописатели - самый темный народ.

Различай - свободное падение и полет (мух или самолета).

You also forgot about the blimp. and kand-zoe!!!! :о)))

AlexEro >>:

если мухи держатся в воздухе, то они создают подъёмную силу в тонну. которая действует на самолёт.

AlexEro, you sure are joking. Good humour.