"The 'perfect' trading system - page 74

VictorArt >> :

I'm sorry - I don't like to speak in a boorish way.

I'm the one who's boorish.

You can tell me about the patents. I'm not the only one who's looking forward to it.

alsu >> :

I am the one speaking in a boorish manner.

Please tell me about the patents - I'm not the only one waiting for them, otherwise the stability of the discussion is threatened.

"In creating adaptive trading algorithms, Digital Brain (DM) technology was used, whose components are protected by 2 RF patents: #2257611 and #2295763."

See adaptive EA

About the patents, I have nothing more to add.

How, what and why is a trade secret. Only the result, i.e. the adaptive EA, is discussed.

VictorArt писал(а) >>

"So why is the price going up so dramatically? ....))))" is the Great Chamber of Commerce (GCC) :)

In proverbial terms: "to be asked", i.e. the bigger the "figure" the more questions - a very simple pattern.

From your posts, I've read a lot of new postulates of trading that are astonishing -

"Profit is nothing - stability is everything."

"Are you sure investors are interested in profit?"

"A PAMM account is a different project" (meaning profit)

"The more trades, the higher the price of the Expert Advisor"

"The price of an instrument is computer code"

And many more......)))) You're practically a modern Columbus for traders.....))))

In case you haven't noticed, the abstracts of both patents have been posted above the thread. if you compare their content with the code of the EA you're advertising, it's clear even to the hedgehog that they are not components of the EA. stop messing with people's real brains.
Reshetov >> :

They don't have time. They said not to bother them. They're busy. They're explaining to potential buyers why the same proprietary drug sells for a different price.

Oh, Jura, you're so snide. You're jealous I'm not on your personal ignore list, aren't you?

Mathemat >> :

Oh, Yura, you're so snide. You're jealous I'm not on your personal ignore list, aren't you?

"you want to be ignored? Ask me how!"

alsu >>:
если вы не заметили, выше по ветке выложены рефераты обоих патентов. если сравнить их содержание с кодом рекламируемого вами советника, становится ясно даже морскому ежу, что компонентами его они не являются. перестаньте парить людям их настоящие мозги.

Rudeness gives birth to the sleep of reason :)

In Russian it says: "CM was used to find adaptive algorithms". The components of CM, not EA, are protected by patents.

The source code of the Expert Advisor can be used by anyone - it also says there about it - read it.

In general, first try to yourself to understand the essence of what is written, otherwise my keyboard is not iron - I will erase all the keys to anyone who wants to explain elementary things.

OK, don't bother trying anymore. I suppose you've already proved your complete inadequacy to everyone. Adieu!
Mathemat >> :

Oh, Jura, you're so snide. You're jealous I'm not on your personal ignore list, aren't you?

I propose a joint business - selling my answers to those who are ignored :)

alsu >> :
OK, don't bother arguing any further. I guess you've already proved your complete incompetence to everyone. >> Adieu!

You seem to have started with this axiom, and axioms are not provable by definition :)