Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 109

alexx_v >> :

>> It is not a bad PAMM, actually I did not say it was bad, I said - it would give you more gas.)

Obviously, objective #1 was and is to minimise possible losses (drawdowns),

The task No.2 is to earn profit. It is quite logical, both for an investor and for a trader.

>> >> It's a good approach and result. >> That's a good approach and result.

alexx_v >> :

If you do not know what I am talking about, you may use the leverage, the brokerage company does not force you, the possibility to use it is given, and then you may use it anyway :) And the risks are clear, that's not what I mean.

I just thought that looking at the dynamics of profitability and securities load,

I thought it would be normal to increase the same depo load and at least double the profit, but after reading his thread the question immediately fell away:

So, it is not about efficiency but about investors for whom PAMM is oriented; do not show and do not tell them about 30-40% of profit load))).


i did not say it was bad, i said it could go a bit faster.)

There is logic, although not perfect.

You have 20k and with a simple mm 12 Prozium you have a profit of, say, 2k, but the equity is shifting and getting on your nerves.

You open a pawn account, you have 20k and you get 40k at 50/50, you lower the price to 6 and your nerves are better and you have 2k a month

You open a PAMM and you get your 20k you go up to 40k.


Mischek писал(а) >>

You open a paMM, you get your 20k and at 50/50 you reach 40k, you lower the MM to 6 and your nerves are better and you have 2k a month.

You open your 50K, you get up to 40K, you brave enough to cut your nerves to 6 and your 2K a month.

Or - get up to 40K, do not decrease your MM (because you don't have the nerve, no reason) and you have another 2k to your 2k,

and you ignore the teachers :)

gip писал(а) >>
That's exactly what you don't know. It's very likely that this is also p. Atypical behaviour for a lady.

And I'll answer you. I don't know what you're implying in another of your "crap" messages - but I'll answer you in the language you understand - "FUCK YOU - BASTARD".

ballistika >> :

No, not listening... You can't read.

The purpose of my appearance on this thread is to SUPPORT NIROBU'S NOVATOR - the fact that I NEEDED to know his method is not exactly true - I looked it up and understood it... That's why I supported it. And on this forum, I'm not ANYTHING I propose to buy. Not from me or anyone else. I'm just saying - do not insult the Wise Man NIROBU - if you do not have anything of your own.


I bend my knee and humbly beg your pardon for leaving your comment without a substantive answer.

alexx_v >> :

Or - get up to 40K, do not reduce mm (because the nerves do not bzykayut, no reason) and to their 2k have another 2k,

and don't pay attention to the teachers :)

Buy nerves (used - do not offer) for 2k a bundle

Mischek писал(а) >>

I'll buy some nerves (used ones, don't offer) for 2k a bundle.


ballistika писал(а) >>


Is that what your mother called you?

forte928 >> :

Will you be cheaper?

>> China is not an option.

