SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 163


You seem to be banned for matting .... man posted photoshopped screenshots, it's not about photoshop of course, you can argue until you are blue in the face that it is not, but mat.... Or what's wrong with my eyesight?

The logical thing to do would be to ban the person who wrote the swear words.

It's no good sh... to put fecal matter in a private message.


Would it be possible to add a forum ignore?

So that you don't waste time systematically cleaning up your personal files?

That would be handy. The fifth forum has it, although it is just there is no need.

why didn't you do enough, you had plenty of time.... here's your nature and showed itself ..... even if these screenshots were real, there would be nothing wrong with it, because these screenshots are on you to the point.... but even with your photoshop you brought yourself into the light, violating all the unspoken rules of forum communication - opening a private correspondence....)))) again missing the mark, when you draw, at least make something more elegant, it's boring even ...

ZS: And do not ask moderators to act as judges in such matters, it is clear on whose side the preponderance.


You seem to be banned for matting .... man posted photoshopped screenshots, it's not about photoshop of course, you can argue until you are blue in the face that it is not, but mat.... Or is there something wrong with my eyesight? What do you do?

You see, Fredo. When you delete a thread in private after your shitting, it's only deleted from you. The moderators will be given a password to access Mischek2, but that's fine

It would be better to really add an ignore function


Why didn't you do enough, you had plenty of time.... that's how your personality showed up..... even if these screenshots were real, there would be no shame in it, because you've got it right on the spot.... but even with your photoshop you brought yourself into the light, violating all the unspoken rules of forum communication - opening a private correspondence....)))) again missing the mark, when you draw, at least do something more elegant, it's boring even ...

ZS: And don't ask the moderators to act as judges in such matters, it's clear whose side is outnumbered.

Fredo, you must have misunderstood. I don't need judges. You are a cancer of the forum and it is useless to fight you. I'm asking for a forum ignore. Calm down .

You will have the opportunity to crap further, but the addressee won't see it if he doesn't want to.


breaking all the unspoken rules of forum communication by opening private correspondence...

Fredo, your shitting is not correspondence. Correspondence is different.

It would be logical to ban the person who wrote the swear words.

It's not nice to shit... to put fecal matter in a private message.

Since everyone's allowed to insert their opinions here, why would what happens in private become public domain and someone else's business?

well, that's so, in principle..... and secondly, where in the rules it is prescribed that for someone's photoshop wit a totally uninvolved person should be responsible? have you all lost your mind......


You see Fredo. When you delete a thread in private after your shitting, it only gets deleted from you. Moderators will be given a password to access Mischek2, but that's fine

Better to actually add an ignore function

you're the smartest? i guess i don't even know about it..... except that moderators do not have the right to share personal information, and in light of recent events, i do not believe it..... matting on the forum is personally allowed to you, while we do not, and in other things i probably have fewer rights, and i'm not the only one who sees it.... so..... keep photoshopping..... you personally have fludoprotectors on the forum....((

since all are allowed to insert their opinions here. then first, why should what happens in private become public domain and someone's business?

well, that's just the way it is, in principle..... and secondly, where in the rules it is prescribed that a totally uninvolved person should be responsible for someone's photoshop wit? have you all gone completely insane......

You tell me. ) Photoshopped or unphotoshopped.

Except that the moderators are not allowed to share personal information
where did they do that?