SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 166


... but as a matter of fact both of my topics are on page 3.

I saw them and was surprised...

Yoss, really, how much trouble can you get into with everyone? You are not here for that, the purpose is different.

To Roman. I was told by one of the moderators (I won't say who) that yesterday's attack was most likely organized by Alexander.
I don't know what were the reasons for it but as a matter of fact both of my threads are on the 3rd page.

It is not nice to be insulted in person, and even under patronage. the post above... this is what, he calls me a boy ..... this is not an offense, he is fooling around about some threats..... he keeps coming up with nonsense, why he does not get banned.

why do i have to put up with this cheap show-off about me.... and the whole drinking blood thing,that's not my thing.... i was just extrapolating possible reactions, i can also get hacked and do whatever i want, and i'm not good at such things, but i guess, judging by what i get here, there are those who are, i don't know....


It is not nice to be insulted in person and under patronage. The post above... he calls me a boy ..... Is that an offense, he talks nonsense about threats..... and always comes up with some nonsense, why does he not get banned?

why do i have to put up with this cheap show-off about me.... and the whole drinking blood thing,that's not my thing.... I just extrapolated the possible reaction, I can also hack into my computer and anything, and I am not good at such things, but apparently, judging by what I get here, there are those who are good, I do not know ....

The real address is IP address, so tell yourself that you can't joke with this nonsense.
I wouldn't advise you to be intimidated here even by innuendo boy, there are limits to everything and technicalities
As a teacher once said, for every textbook opportunity, there's a better one. And for every one who thinks he's smart, there's an even smarter one.
Conflict develops by a chain reaction. If you don't respond to rudeness, after a while the person will stop being rude.
You don't have to respond to every boorish post - that's all there is to it.
Conflict develops by a chain reaction. If you don't respond to rudeness, after a while the person will stop being rude.
You don't have to respond to every boorish post - that's all there is to it.

Nothing of the kind, the man imposes his rules - either you will tolerate me or I will give you
As a teacher once said, for every textbook opportunity, there's a better one. And for every one who thinks he's clever, he's even cleverer.
It is a good Russian tradition to ban the smart ones. That makes them even smarter. For example, clone Freud2 has greatly improved his spelling, which is commendable. Punctuation is still a bit lame, but none of us is without sin.
The reason for the ban is to create a clone, since it's the author that gets banned, not the nickname. Otherwise the ban has no meaning.
The second reason - quarrels with the moderator. If sometimes they turn a blind eye to the clones that continue the technical development of the author, the clones that appeared just to make claims, are doomed by all written and unwritten rules.
Reasons for the ban - creation of a clone.
Why can't I have clones? I have 5 of them on this forum... Didn't see anything like that in the rules.
Why can't I have clones? I've got five on this forum... Haven't seen anything like that in the rules.
The author gets banned for rudeness, matting and boorishness. He opens a second nickname and continues in the same spirit. Do you ban the second nickname if the author is the same? If not, then we are in a logical deadlock.
The presence of clones in itself is not a hindrance for public moderators, although the administration has often suppressed this creativity.
I would not advise you to scare even hints here boy, there is a limit to everything and the technical possibilities

Listen here, boy. don't scare me with your supposedly inflated balls, which are much smaller than they really are. that's a first.

Second, of course, I am not good at such things, but I suspect that people can access the Internet in different ways, do not think that because of such nonsense, the FSS will be involved, do not laugh, especially there is nothing criminal in the legal side.

third, when logging out under a left IP, this IP may be identical to a number of users who have also logged out through it, I do not know how it is, especially from different countries or cities, or rather from different locations and via gprs.....

methaquotes do not need to search for all across russia, and others will not do it, there is no corpus delicti (it's funny to say).

fourth, I suspect that those who do this annoying shit are not always children, as your narrow mind suspects.....

fifth, sometimes there may not be people like you behind some of them, or a group of them, but more seriously those who are responsible for the bazaar......(tin, it's more of a joke on your stupidity, you have no idea how and on what issues the masses move.... a showdown over such nonsense is a mockery)))).... even if it's a case, it's fair play ... and the metakwots are far from the Yakuza)))))

but that's just my opinion, nothing more. the toms themselves are not local....

And get off the computer, walk around the city and see how the real world lives, talk to people in person, but be careful, your way of communicating on forums may result in a scandal.

You can also participate in the social life of society if you want to, and you're so eager to criticize everyone and everything in the government, come and take a look and participate live, and not from newspaper clippings (which you probably collect like a monkey) and Internet semi-dreaming, you'll see it.