SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 14






spammer... all4rex

all posts are of an advertising nature

DDFedor >> :

spammer... all4rex

all posts are of advertising nature


Well, here we are ( sad, however, if in something I was wrong, Comrade Roche please explain how else the inhabitants of this forum could give euronis (a full free distribution do not hope) themselves at the beginning of the topic said ratzis from the moderators and we have, too, and so give a relatively free system so damn it immediately to spam, swear more, it is called a cultural society!!!

sergindo писал(а) >>

Well, here we are ( sad, however, if in something I was wrong, Comrade Roche please explain how else the inhabitants of this forum could give euronis (a full free distribution do not hope) themselves at the beginning of the topic said ratzis at the modders and we have too, and so give a relatively free system so damn it immediately to spam, swear more, it is called a cultural society!!!

If the system is "relatively free", then it's "relatively paid", which means posting it here is advertising, and that violates forum rules. You don't respect those around you - so you get" foul language", nothing to be surprised about.


Let's put it this way, how would you like me to present a system for which you only have to pay from profits???

sergindo >> :

Let's put the question squarely, how would you like me to present a system for which you only have to pay from profits???

No way.

If anyone is interested write to me, I am not a moderator and will not send anyone anywhere